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Updated by zhmenjaj-6958703 on Apr 29, 2020
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What are negitive effects of eating disorders?  


What are negitive effects of eating disorders?  

What are negitive effects of eating disorders?  
answers 0:
Uggg, health paper. I'm doing EDNOS just to irritate my teacher, but I can't find any negitive effects.
answers 1:
There are many negitive effects.You can die, you can emotionally and mentally hurt the people around you and yourself, You can go into long-term eating problems.There are many just think outside the box....
answers 2:
Inability to have children after a certain point because you no longer get your period when it's bad enough, permanent health affects eve after recovery, memory loss, fatigue, fainting, and for bulimia: extreme esophageal and dental damage, ulcers, and all the things listed above. Loss of trust in everyone which leads to loss of friends and distance between you and family members, depression, anxiety, and ultimately, death.When it comes down to it, there are no POSITIVE effects of eating disorders. You will always hate your body and it will never look good enough in your eyes. When trying to gain control of eating, you in fact lose control as it consumes you and dictates every single thing you do. And by "you", I just mean people in general....
answers 3: