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Updated by Joanna James on Mar 21, 2025
Headline for 4 Tips to avoid trouble when visiting Namibia – Better safe than sorry!
Joanna James Joanna James
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4 Tips to avoid trouble when visiting Namibia – Better safe than sorry!

As a country that is heavily dependent on the tourism industry, with almost 15% of its GDP being created through this sector, the country places a strong emphasis on the safety of its visitors. With an array of activities, sights and parks available for people to enjoy, Namibia is a real treat!


Crime in Namibia

With frequent reports of crimes such as thefts and muggings, all travellers should be vigilant of the manner in which they conduct themselves during the day. When moving around densely populated areas, it is advised that all your personal belongings are kept safe, that no valuable items have been left behind in vehicles and that vigilance of the surroundings are maintained at all times. While danger cannot be completely eliminated, it is recommended that a situation arise where a traveller is being robbed, that they do not resist but merely handover their items without placing themselves and their lives in a dangerous situation. Crimes to look out for would be mainly non-violent crimes like pickpocketing and vehicle theft. If there are any concerns regarding the safety of belongings many a Windhoek hotel, offers lockers spaces or lock boxes for the security of any valuables particularly at locations like the Avani Windhoek Hotel & Casino.


Driving on the roads in Namibia

While many travellers choose to hire out a vehicle when it comes to exploring the landscapes of Namibia, it should be made clear that the experiences on the road vary quite largely from those with more developed infrastructures. Namibian roads are notorious for being quite dangerous once people move away from the major cities. With poorly lit roads, sudden animal crossings and lack of resources along the roads makes journey wrought with risk of either harm or damage to either the travellers or their vehicles. Even when travelling on the main roads of urban areas it is recommended to use extreme caution as the flow of traffic will be chaotic and accident prone due to vehicles stopping almost at random. Something that should be noted is that when travellers come upon checkpoints, they should treat them with respect as the Police are known to shoot warning shots at those who do not stop when asked to!


Terrorism in Namibia

Despite the risks when travelling in urban areas and along its infrastructure, Namibia does not have any presence of terrorism within its borders. This low rating in terrorism is a relief for many travellers, however that is not to say that there are no organized crimes within the nations. Many rackets of money laundering and organized crime are still present and being constantly tackled by the Namibian forces.


Medical facilities and in case of emergencies

The capital city of Windhoek has a wide spectrum of services to cater to any medical needs that may arise however taking precautionary steps to prevent any form of risk to traveller health and safety should take priority over retroactive care. For example, while travellers can feel secure in drinking tap water in Namibia, it is suggested that to eliminate any risks, the water is boiled or treated with a purification tablet prior to consumption.