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Updated by automopeed on Apr 15, 2020
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Websites and articles about tactical gear and equipment

The Complete Plate Carrier Setup Guide - TacticalSavage

In this article, I am going to be talking about the plate carrier setup. I will give you a detailed and in-depth guide on how to set up a plate carrier.

Ranger Beads: The Step By Step Guide - TacticalSavage

Ranger beads also known as pace counting beads are simple tools that are used by military personnel to count śteps and measure walking distances.

Battle Belt Setup With Plate Carrier - TacticalSavage

Not so long ago a soldier could fit all of his essential gear and equipment in his/her webbing or on his/her body armor. Compared to a few decades ago, the modern soldier’s equipment load has increased by a ton.

Minimalist Battle Belt Setup - TacticalSavage

A Minimalist battle belt is a belt setup where you cut all the unnecessary or less important gear from your beltline and focus only on your critical gear.

IFAK 101: The Complete Guide to IFAK's - TacticalSavage

An in-depth guide to IFAK's (individual first aid kits). Consisting of a detailed description of IFAK's, IFAK pouches and how to compile an IFAK pouch.

The Battle Belt Setup: Everything You Need To Know About Setting Your's Up

A detailed how-to guide to setting up a battle belt. Containing a thorough look at battle belt setups in general, followed by an in-depth gear list.

Drop Leg Holsters And How To Use One With A Battle Belt

In this article, we talk about drop leg holster. Discussing their positive and negative properties. And how to use a drop leg holster with a battle belt setup

4 Things Every Battle Belt Setup Has to Have

In this article about battle belts (also known as war belts), I present you 4 crucial and essential pieces of gear every battle belt setup should have.

6 Helpful Tips To Consider For Your Plate Carrier Mag Count

In this article we talk about how many magazines should be on a Plate Carrier. And give you 6 tips to help You figure out how many mags You need on Your setup.

What Is a Dump Pouch and Why Should You Use One?

In this article about Dump Pouches, also known as drop pouches, we dwell deep into the world of Dump Pouches. Discussing what they are and how and why to use them.