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Updated by sam-calandra12 on Apr 14, 2020
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Classroom Resources

10 different resources for teachers to use in the classroom, also for parents and students

Amazon Inspire is an open collaboration service that helps teachers to easily discover, gather, and share free and open educational resources with their community. This can be used in the classroom for teachers to help find things for their classrooms easily, and share ideas with other teachers. You can download resources from this website, share resources, and gather ideas.

This source is for younger child in elementary schools and their parents who might be immigrants and need a guide for where they can go and the rights their children have in schools. this can be used in the classroom to show the different policies and standards teachers have to uphold for every child, no matter their legal status.

This source can be used as guide for teachers and other school staff to give the teachers a guide on immigrant children, for example if a child has their parents deported, this guide will help the teacher with the child and how to deal in these types of situations.

Mitigating the Effects of Trauma among Young Children of Immigrants and Refugees: The Role of Early Childhood Program...

The first years of a child’s life are a time of immense growth, and exposure to trauma—if left unaddressed—can have significant, lifelong effects. This issue brief examines how young children of refugees and other immigrants may be affected by trauma, and what early childhood education and care programs, health-care providers, and others can do to mitigate its adverse effects. this can be used in the classroom to help teachers to know what techniques and ways they can deal with situations that arise.

This guide can be used a help for teachers and administration to help welcome new students who do not speak English, and make them feel comfortable and welcome in the their classroom.

Understanding and Supporting the Educational Needs of Recently Arrived Immigrant English Learner Students | CCSSO

The foreign-born population in the United States is larger than it has ever been with over 40 million immigrants living in the country. U.S. classrooms are increasingly diverse, with well over two million foreign-born children ages 5 through 17 enrolled in school, roughly 4.1 percent of the total student population. Not only are there a record number of immigrant youth, but changing migration patterns have resulted in immigrant families and communities throughout the U.S., not just in traditional immigrant destinations. this can be used for teachers to find ways to support new students who don't speak the language and ways they can get them integrated into the classroom.

Refugee Trauma | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Many refugees, especially children, have experienced trauma related to war or persecution that may affect their mental and physical health long after the events have occurred. this can be used for the classroom to aid teachers in knowing the rights of immigrant students and what they need and what they are entitled to, in the classroom and outside the classroom.

USAHello | A free website to help refugees and immigrants

USAHello helps refugees and immigrants thrive as they build lives in the USA. Find information in many languages. Take free GED and citizenship classes. this source can be used for immigrant parents who need to use free resources to get settled.

Refugee Council USA | We Rise with Refugees.

We're dedicated to refugee protection, welcome, and excellence in the US resettlement program. We represent diverse non-profits who advocate for refugees. this can be used for parents who need help getting resettled and needs protection.

this source can be used for students who are facing deportation, they can find lawyers pro bono, and the rights they have, also this provides assistance in other legal matters they are facing.