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Updated by Brainwonders Delhi on Apr 12, 2021
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Online Aptitude Test

The aptitude is the most popular and time-tested assessment conducted during academic period and for corporate management as well.

What is aptitude test?

The aptitude test helps in understanding the link or relationship between one’s cognitive abilities, career fields and performance in a profession.

What is DMIT Test ? - Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test

Brainwonders is the market leader of DMIT Test which is a scientific study associated with fingerprint patterns & brain lobes | Best DMIT Firm

What is Personality Test?

A personality test is often used to understand oneself but is also pivotal for one to understand the people around them and their situations.

DMIT Test for Teenagers & Career Counselling after DMIT Test - Brainwonders

Parents! You must read this facts about DMIT Test for Teenagers. Here are the major challenges faced by secondary school students that are addressed via a DMIT Test career counselling process.

How the Interest-Aptitude Test Benefits Corporate

The interest-aptitude test is a popular career test. How the interest-aptitude test benefits corporate & public organisations?

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test

Understand Benefits of DMIT Test by BrainwondersIndia. DMIT test will help you make groundbreaking decisions in class 11th & 12th, discover your career

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Top 10 Colleges in Mumbai

We at Brainwonders have curated a list of Top 10 Colleges in Mumbai in all the streams -Humanities/Arts, Science, and Commerce.

How can aptitude tests help boost your career?

Now that we know what aptitude tests mean, it is important to know what the best aptitude test can do for us.

Types of Multiple Intelligence

Multiple Intelligence theory describes 8 intelligences that people use to solve problems and create products relevant to the societies in which they live. From these questions emerged multiple-intelligences DMIT theory.

There are Various Types of Aptitude Tests measure different abilities

Students, adults, employees all of them use aptitude tests in order to understand and acknowledge the abilities that they posses. The aptitude test helps in understanding the link or relationship between one’s cognitive abilities, career fields and performance in a profession. Aptitude test measures the following facets that can be used for shaping personal, social and professional growth.

Benefits of DMIT Test for Corporates

DMIT Test for Corporate is extremely useful for SWOT Analysis. The SWOT technique has been taken from the corporate world, where companies look at their strengths and weaknesses and work on them accordingly.

Top 9 Myths About DMIT Busted

Know your strengths, grow your strengths, and live in your strengths.Then, search and find the weaknesses that hijack your strengths and relentlessly improve them.
Working on DMIT for a few years, there are a lot of whispers and tittle-tattles that have come to surface regarding DMIT Test.

What is IQ Test, How to Take IQ Test Online? IQ Test for Kids – Brainwonders

IQ Test is a test which helps one to ases and set intellectual benchmarks. IQ tests are a standardised psychometric test to measure ‘Intelligence Quotient’ (IQ)