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Updated by VAgent IVR Services Provider on Dec 09, 2020
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IVR Service Provider in India-VAgent Minavo™ Telecom Networks

How to pick an IVR Service Provider for your Business? - IVR Service Provider- VAgent

Most of you know what an IVR is. Well you are right, it is that beautiful voice that you hear when you call customer support but if you would ask for a technical definition, An Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is phone system where humans interact with a programmed computer. The IVR system would have recorded voice prompts and would guide the caller and would usually provide the customer with the details required or connect them to an agent from the concerned department,who would be able to assist the customer.

Easing and Widening Business Opportunities with Reliable Customer Care Solution

During the likelihood of better prospects, all companies must strive hard to outdo competition for retaining more customers. For establishing and maintaining a close relationship with clients, you need to focus on winning customer’s confidence by solving issues in shortest possible time through customer care solution, and it must be done in a manner that would be convenient to clients.

Distinctive Benefits of Cloud Telephony for Business Organizations - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

Unlike any conventional methods of telephony that were mostly used in earlier times, mostly involving the installation of physical PBX system in different office locations, Cloud telephony services would be able to host all telephony switching equipment within various data center facilities. The voice would be then delivered over IP networks to get directed to multiple office locations, via IP phones that are linked to LAN.

How Does Call Management System Proves worthy for Business Organizations? - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

Business operations are carried out by many organizations on a day to day basis, and one of the key components that help in successful business operations is communication. Not only from the business aspect but proper and effective communication is essential on a day to day basis, and without strong communication, the desired outcomes are not possible at any cost.

Virtual Numbers and why Businesses and Organizations use these

Virtual number features are being used by billions of people worldwide and Indians have also started to realize many functions through this clear way of communication.

What Can You Expect from Cloud Telephony for Businesses?- Minavo Telecom Networks

What is Cloud Telephony?: If we just define cloud telephony in basic terms, then it delivers telephone applications to your phone at any place, and at any moment. In technical terms cloud telecommunications are data and voice communications on the internet where applications of telecommunications like storage, switching, etc.

Startups are Preferring to Adopt Cloud Telephony Services in India - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

Cloud Telephony is typically replacement of your business phone systems like PBX, EPBAX with cloud services. Through Cloud Telephony, it becomes easy for the user to connect with the audience on a scalable and efficient platform. The cloud based telephony service has proved to be time saving, most productive and the best means for cost-cutting for startups, SMEs and enterprises.

The Evolution: Start ups and large scale enterprises in the market are now open to embracing new technologies that are proven to be effective in reducing the effort they put into everyday business needs and meeting customer requirements. This has opened up numerous gateways to cloud based telephony in India. It all began in 2008, when Google entered the Cloud based business and offered its hosting services to startups at affordable prices. This in turn, paved ways for many startups to adopt and render cloud based services at affordable prices to small medium enterprises (SMEs).

Why Cloud Telephony: Cloud based telephony needs very little investment to use. This has drastically shifted the focus from infrastructure and space to man power who can handle customers. Through Cloud Telephony, it’s now possible to connect millions of customers to a scalable resource and offer easier solutions.

Why your Business Requires IVR Solutions for Growth - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

If your company is a small business with a big vision, you know it's not easy to compete with the big boys. You need professional telephone consultants to set up your IVR System for Small Business Solutions:

Toll Free Numbers: What You Need to Know- Minavo™ Telecom Networks

There were days when telephone lines remained as the major communication component; businesses used toll-free numbers so that they’ll be able to call without the need of incurring any additional expenditure. Customers started to love this facility, but the costs associated with business were quite high on the other side. Fortunately, with gradually rising competition, companies were available with long-distance charges that considerably took down the cost of toll-free numbers.

Click to Call – Filling the Communication Gap between Businesses and Consumers - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

The “click to call” technology is something that everyone involved in some or other type of activity must have heard of. Being a prominent phrase for lead generation, we still ought to know about its exact functionality and how exactly it benefits businesses.

Did you know Businesses Lose $75 Billion Due To Poor Customer Service - IVR Service Provider- VAgent

Customer service plays a key role in business growth and development. A report by NewsVoiceMedia indicated that $75 Billion is lost by companies due to poor customer service in a year. Thinking about it, $75 billion is a huge sum of money to be lost just because of customer service. The report also talks about what customers do when they do not get what they want. This study is very useful as it gives a better understanding of customer behavior and what a business needs to do to keep the customer happy.

Your Journey to Success with Telecom IVR. - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

Telecom IVR solution is quite popular among all the industries and the benefits of IVR system are obvious but when you are going to start up your own business or an organization then this will be a newer term for you. As you know this a competitive world and you are going to enter in an environment where you have to start from the scratch, then in that case you have to be aware of the most of the smart technologies capturing the whole of the market. Telecom IVR is one of the examples of such technologies; therefore “MINAVO COMMUNICATIONS” has brought upon the best of the services in the era of Telecom IVR or customised IVR solution.

How quick Support Numbers Increase Customer Retention & Sales - IVR Service Provider- VAgent

What is the real asset of a business? Its customers, yes that’s right. What is a business without them? So whenever we think about growing our business, customer retention is the first thing that comes into our minds. Getting a customer isn’t as a big deal as retaining him. Being a business expert we need to understand what does he want from us and how to win their trust? Communication is the best way of doing that. It is very important to know his queries, doubts, problems, and suggestions. Here quick support numbers come into the play. They help in customer retention & sales. There are a number of benefits to that.


Best Virtual Number Service | No Setup Fees or Contracts

Best Virtual Number Service | No Setup Fees or Contracts

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Increase Leads For Your Business On Your Website Through Cloud IVR

Employing people to sit around and answer phones all day can be a costly undertaking for small businesses. To make sure their staff is productive as possible, many businesses of all sizes automate their phone-answering system with interactive voice response IVR technology.

Cloud IVR can be Proved to be an Incredible Management tool to your Business. - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

Managing a call centre is really a challenge. So, what are doing to overcome its unique challenges? Call centre work needs utmost amount of flexibility due to an often shifting workload along with high ratio employee turnover. Therefore, installation an interactive voice response (IVR) solution in an organization is a wisest thing to do, that will even help you to route calls effectively while tracking both caller and traffic patterns.

For the best IVR Services get Connected with us. - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

IVR services have come up with plethora of big advantages in every business whether it is a small business or a large business and also it saves lot of time and money.  One of the tedious work for any organization is answering phone calls and to provide every phone call an appropriate employee who can answer their queries efficiently.More over It is very time consuming, when it comes to answering every single call effectively. With IVR systems there is a comfort of that it takes care of most of the frequently asked questions in any organization during office hours (directions, phone directory, common tech support questions, etcetera) and makes customer service more effective by making customer service representatives, salesmen and tech support specialists to concentrate on the harder stuff.

Efficacious Toll-Free Number Services on Astonishing Costs - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

We have been living in a sort of world where newer technological advancements are taking place on daily basis. Among all of the technological advancements, telephone was one of the revolutionary inventions that turned the entire world into a global village. It was the best medium to convey a massage in matter of time- later it also gave a height to internet. Thereafter, the communication technology industry invented more advanced concepts of communication. The global market adapted the services of telecommunication to an extent that it has attained new heights in our modern society. Even after the emergence of Internet, the scope of telecommunication technologies never seemed to recede in the near futures.  The telecommunication industry has undergone an evolution and thus produced some exceptional concepts of communication: both for commercial and non-commercial purposes. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is one such more developed and elevated form of customer dealing i.e. communication.

World Class Customer Care Solution on Very Sensible Expenses - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

We are the occupants of a sort of world where things have been modifying and getting down to business with the most recent advancements in sciences and technologies. In this way different things have changed and individuals are still putting their earnest attempts to make great utilization of most recent technological advancements. The global market itself is adapting the situation and reaping greater results. Although, starting or opening a business is not as simple as it appears from the outside but the technological improvements in marketing, advertising and communication technologies have made the task easier for business aspirants. In this view, the developments in the field of telecommunication have been exceptional. The journey from a nominal telephone to the most recent interactive voice response (IVR) has proved its metal in the industry. This phenomenon is so prevalent that most of the organizations nowadays are availing Customer care solution on larger scales.

World Class Virtual Number Services on Astonishing Costs. - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

Owing to the advancement of latest technologies in the modern society, doing a business has never been as simple as it is today. In spite of all misfortunes and challenges, the phenomenon of business has been enhancing bit by bit and making an impressive path for the businesses of every scope and range. The fever of online marketing and advertising is gripping the industry while IVR methods and technologies have had its hold over each kind of business; whether it is medical industry, travel offices, instructive organizations, hospitals or government workplaces. Since, its inception the IVR technology has added various dimensions like Virtual number technology which is being enthusiastically used in offices and companies. This fabulous innovation of correspondence and communication has provided the entrepreneurs an immaculate chance not just of giving general information to the clients however sorting out looks into and overviews so that the right nerve of the clients could be followed and worked in like manner. IVR technology has incredibly been used and respected since its commencement.

How multi language IVR Support helps in Customer Retention? - IVR Service Provider- VAgent

It won’t be a mistake if we say that IVR Solutions are like a revolutionary change in the tech industry. It has made the process of communication easier and advanced for every business. Not only for the business but the customers as well it has appeared like a boon. Customers can contact the company or their sellers/manufacturer at any time and the customer support can take the queries of the customers and buyers. IVR works like a bridge between both. IVR support indeed helps in customer retention. It builds trust and reliability among the customers. Both of these factors are very important in the growth of any business. But there is one thing that is above these all i.e. “THE LANGUAGE”. Language plays a very important role in communication. And we are living in a world where people speak different languages. How would you scale your business in the world level or a bigger level within your country? Well, just relax! IVR customer support is available in multi-languages. It helps with customer retention. Minavo’sVAgent helps you to achieve this goal. You can automate the call or the text message in Multi-language very easily with us. Let us try to understand this logically.

To have the Innovative Phone Solutions get the best Cloud Telephony Services - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

Cloud telephony is the science that delivers the automated telephone applications to every phone, every place and at any time. The technology is suitable for the businesses where there is a need of ultimate phone solutions, or want the cost-efficient, reliable, quick, easy and affordable for any size or type of business.

Help your Clients with Smart Call Routing - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

Smart call routing intuitively directs the call to your phone or the headset simply pauses the music for the incoming call and enables you to answer the call automatically, by simply putting the earphones in your ears. Wouldn’t it be great if the callers could be routed to the agents with the best skills and experience to answer their queries and to resolve their issues? Well, that’s the intelligent idea behind the smart routing also known as “predictive” call routing.

Get Ready for New Heights in your Business with IVR Services - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

Historically, interactive voice response (IVR) solutions have used as pre-recorded voice prompts and menus to present information and options to callers, and touch-tone telephone keypad entry to get the response. Nowadays modern IVR solutions also enable input and responses to be gathered via spoken words with voice recognition. IVR solutions helps users to retrieve information including bank balances, flight schedules, product details, order status, movie show-times, and much more from any telephone. Additionally, IVR solutions are effectively used to place outbound calls to deliver or to get information for appointments, past due bills, and other time critical events and activities.

Now give a new Definition to your Business with Call Recording Software - Minavo™ Telecom Networks

Call recording may seems to be the one of the many run in the mill kind of function or an automated call management. But as you walk down in the depth and hit the crux of it, you will realize it as a multifaceted use as per the customer, employee and employer’s point of view.