Listly by darshanasharma992
Maharashtra, India’s most industrialized and urbanized state has been affected the most, by one of the worst ever public health crisis in recent history in the form of the Covid-19, aka the Corona outbreak.
When the government was contemplating a work from home policy for at least 50% of the workforce to contain the spread of the Virus, LIQVD Asia Advertising Agency announced WORK FROM HOME for all its employees, as a measure to safeguard them.
On March 12, 2020, wherein HR spoke about #MaintainingPersonalHygiene and suggested preventive measures such as #NoHandshake, #UsingTissues while coughing and sneezing, and also ensured complete safety and precaution within and around the premises. There were meticulous measures undertaken by the staff to prevent any infection, thereby ensuring utmost safety and well-being of the employees.
All of this was done in an endeavor to prevent the inflow of any infection within the office premises and to ensure strict health and sanitation.
Biometric system for attendance was disabled temporarily to ensure safety as soon as anyone steps into the office.
The much coveted measure was implemented for the larger well-being. VIDEO CONFERENCING and CONCALLS were facilitated by the CEO to smoothen the workflow while safeguarding all the LIQVD Asia employees.
AWARENESS AGAINST THE VIRUS WAS CREATED ACROSS LIQVD ASIA. An informative video was shared on the LIQVD Asia Whatspp group, along with an educative newsletter for widespread awareness. A host of relevant videos and articles were actively circulated on groups to keep the team informed and updated.
Employees are also advised against eating junk, to ensure which, healthy snacks and meals were availed at the pantry.