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Updated by european jobboard on Mar 30, 2020
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Latest Job Search Trends of 2020

The new year cycle constantly offers some exciting new insight into the developments of the job market with it. updated and the more with information about the latest trends, you’ll be prepared better for your job hunt. With the competitive marketing world, it's crucial to be updated with the latest job hiring trends. Here are the top job search trends for 2020, you can expect as a job seeker. Know it today to get prepared for tomorrow.


Mobile Job Search

SearchMobile devices or smartphones have enhanced our daily lives, working as a key factor in day to day lives, almost in everything from shopping to dating or banking to navigation and more. People are exclusively accessing the web within a smartphone.Since we do everything else already on our mobile phones, we might search and apply for jobs too.Applying for jobs on these devices has become more common in recent years. But unfortunately, many employers have not evolved to experience their job application with today’s technology. According to the study with Glassdoor, the report has found that not every job seekers system is mobile-friendly, to enter in the application process they have faced multiple barriers, which results in frustrating some job seekers and giving up with their application process.But the good news is, in the coming year's many companies are investing in the process of converting their website into mobile-friendly


Remote Working

The growth in remote working can be valuable to both employees and organisations, thus the amount of remote working positions is currently on the rise.According to the survey people, over 4.3 million in the USA work remotely for half of the time, and fully remote positions are opened each day. That means job seekers can expand their job search over several different cities as well as countries. There won't be any geographical limits, rather you will easily find a position you're qualified for.


Artificial Intelligence

IntelligencePerhaps things are not that exciting, but it has been long recognised that some jobs could be at risk from automation. By taking over robots no one is claiming that management positions might be at risk.According to Glassdoor, there are high chances for Artificial Intelligence to get incorporated with management, as AI has occupied a seat in the HR recruitment process and taken over its initial steps. It is used primarily for job applicants pre-screening and scanning all resumes. AI algorithms have already taken place over some systems such as planning, administrative tasks, payroll, budgeting, performance reports and communications, to name a few.This will assure that candidates with good experience and the right skills don’t get neglected by chance, so each candidate has a good chance of getting the right job.


Employee Benefits

The high skills gap and low unemployment rates could be beneficial to all job seekers. It's a tough competition for those companies which are likely trying to be appealing as to the job seekers.To attract and retain talent, companies in 2020 will offer valuable employee benefits in addition to health insurance, dental insurance, and the likes.To retain and attract talent companies will offer valuable benefits to the employee such as health and dental insurance, paid medical leave, transportation reimbursement, family planning, even student debt repayment. Companies are doing all the possibilities to drag candidates, and this can be very productive for job seekers.

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