Listly by ReviewsIN
Here is the list of some of the Greatest and Finest Apps that can be used for Online Studying by the Students. Please add your faves to the list so I can discover more. And don't forget to vote for your faves.
Evernote offers a suite of excellent free productivity apps that include Evernote, Penultimate, Evernote Peek, Clearly and several more. This is a group of tools that are ideal for students and researching, as well as for practically anyone.
There are tons of to-do apps available but Todoist one of the more versatile of the bunch. As it also functions as a bookmarker for Web sites, it doubles as a great research tool. Even better, if you’re studying with a classmate, you can share tasks or entire projects. Use it also as a reminder for assignments.
Pocket is another in the class of “save it for later” apps that help you make short work of long online reading lists. Save Web content (regular Web pages and PDFs), tag and favorite items, or share with others via email, Twitter, Facebook, Buffer, etc.
Have a lot of online reading to do? Use the Readability Web browser plugin to save URLs “for later” while you’re researching and don’t want to be distracted. Then when you’re in a comfy chair, pull out your tablet and use the Readability mobile app for reading the pages you have saved. On all platforms, Readability strips out all the distracting bits of a Web page and formats the main text in a more readable font type and size, with lines spaced out more legibly.
IFTTT is brilliant in concept: chain a bunch of Web services together in a pipeline of digital info and have each “recipe” notify you (text message, email) or post on social media on your behalf (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) or save files to cloud storage (e.g., Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, etc.). There are loads of “channels” (Web services) that you can activate and then chain together into a recipe. Or browse the recipes others have published and add the ones you like to your own filter list.
StudyBlue is one of the more popular study platforms. The app allows you to make your own flashcard sets and invite friends to view them, or share them on the platform, as well as download sets made by other users (some sets for purchase). Notes from the Evernote app (#1) can be imported into StudyBlue and turned into flashcards. Sign in with Google+ or Facebook, or register with an email address. The platform is available on the Web (main site), iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android. Teacher features also available.
Need more organization than an app like Todoist (#2) provides? The instaGrok app might be what you need, with its concept maps and educational “(re)search engine”. Organize research notes into concept maps (similar to mind maps), save key facts, videos, journals and more. The word “grok” was coined by science fiction novelist Robert Heinlein in the 1960s and essentially means “to understand.”
Note by Swiftkey lets you take notes and add them to your Evernote (#1) notebooks. The app can learn your writing style from Facebook and Gmail accounts, and sync the learning across devices. Perfect for when you need to take some casual notes at odd notes or more detailed notes during study sessions. Want take notes faster? Pair Note up with Swiftkey’s iOS 8 keyboard extension to get the rapid typing features it’s known for on the Android mobile device platform. The Note iOS app runs on both iPhone and iPad.
Got a lot of reading to do? Being an online student doesn’t mean you get away from reading, so of course you probably have lots to read. You’re just more likely to have to read online — something that some people find harder than reading print. Concentrating on text displayed on a vertical screen can also give you neck cramps, which can result in eye strain and fatigue. Spritz helps you to learn to read digital text faster — so if you don’t absorb everything the first time, the second read of study material isn’t such a big outlay of time.
Need to take some notes for a course but don’t have too many hands free? Voice recognition software Dragon Dictation has been around for several years, but the mobile apps from Nuance are relatively new. Since being an online student might mean juggling other responsibilities (such as a family, a job, etc.), time is often at a premium. Dragon Dictation not only saves you time by allowing you to recite your notes, but you could potentially do other small tasks simultaneously, if you’re at home, while dictating (preparing lunch, washing dishes, putting stuff away, doing the laundry, folding clothes, etc.). The Dragon Dictation iOS app runs on both iPhone and iPad.