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Updated by Hope For Your Story on Jul 13, 2023
Headline for Weathering the COVID-19 Crisis
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Weathering the COVID-19 Crisis

Crisis Control

Combining these two words, crisis and control, leads me to believe that I can survive any situation as long as I have properly prepared ahead of time.

Help for Families During the COVID-19 Crisis

This site is here to help you and your loved ones #ThriveAtHome during the COVID-19 crisis with activities, articles, and broadcasts to enjoy together.

Feeling Out of Control? You Are Gaining Something Even Greater

In both Christian and non-Christian circles, the message of hope in this generation has never been so needed.

The Coronavirus: Responding to Fear with Wisdom and Faith

When a pandemic strikes, what should we do? Perhaps just as importantly, what should we not do.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | CDC

What you need to know regarding the Coronavirus from the CDC.

More Coronavirus Resources for Your Family

Many of us have spent several days now cooped up at home, trying to keep our children busy, due to the coronavirus. We’ll be combing through Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Apple+, as well as cable and broadcast networks, to identity movies and shows that your family might enjoy.

Confronting Fear in the Face of Coronavirus

While there are still unknowns, there's one thing that's constant.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak

On 31 December 2019, WHO was informed of a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China.

WHO is closely monitoring this event and is in active communication with counterparts in China. In line with standard protocols for any public health event, an incident management system has been activated across the three levels of WHO and the Organization is prepared to mount a broader response, if needed.

Responding to the Coronavirus With Faith and Common Sense

Dr. Francis Collins shares his expert knowledge about the coronavirus pandemic, encouraging everyone to respond to this crisis with faith and common sense.

The President and the White House Coronavirus Task Force issued new guidelines to help protect Americans during the global Coronavirus outbreak.

9 Ways to Love Your Neighbor in This Pandemic

Christians have always cared for their neighbors—especially during pandemics. Justin Earley offers nine ways to love our neighbors during COVID-19.

Adventures in Odyssey Club

Are you looking for fun, wholesome things for your kids to do while they're home from school? Look no further than Adventures in Odyssey!

Government Response to Coronavirus, COVID-19 | USAGov

Learn what the U.S. government is doing in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

A Calming Word During the Coronavirus – Joni & Friends

As the COVID-19 virus spreads, it’s very easy to lose faith and to live in fear of the headlines and people’s predictions. But even in shaky, unsettling times, we can have firm confidence, for we are people of the Word who know that the world belongs to our sovereign Lord. His rule and authority extend over the atomic level of every microbe and virus.

Understanding and Coping With Fear and Anxiety During the Coronavirus

If you think that you may have developed some irrational fears about the coronavirus, here are some ways to cope.

Coping with Grief and Loss Related to the Coronavirus

It’s important to know that it is normal and healthy to feel sad during this time. Our honest and authentic expression of sadness and distress, defined as grieving, is the way we humans cope with loss in our lives. Grieving a loss typically involves a number of steps which may include some or all of the following.

That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief

The coronavirus pandemic has led to a collective loss of normalcy.


Focus on the Family has launched a free streaming platform for families called Focus@Home. The platform features some of Focus’ most popular content, including the animated video series “Adventures in Odyssey” and “McGee and Me,” and video series and feature films such as “Last Chance Detectives,” “Every Boy Needs a Hero” and “Mully.”

  • Life is full of surprises, challenges and questions – and sometimes we all need help finding answers. Are you struggling in your marriage? Is your son or daughter involved in activities that have you worried? Or maybe you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy or navigating conflict with your aging parents. Whether you’re in the midst of a major crisis or simply a perplexing situation, we have compiled resources that can point you in the right direction. And remember – we’re constantly updating our content, so check back frequently for the latest and greatest resources.

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