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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for The 10 best dishes to eat in Thailand – Delights of the Thai cuisine to enhance the gratification od your trip
Joanna James Joanna James
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The 10 best dishes to eat in Thailand – Delights of the Thai cuisine to enhance the gratification od your trip

Thai food is one reason why Thailand is famous as a tourist destination. The Land of Smiles offers a wide range of flavours, and foodies are absolutely in love with what they find.


Guay Teow

You can find this almost everywhere, including a Chanthaburi restaurant, and it is one of the most popular Thai dishes; Guay tewo translates to noodle soup. This can be made with any meat item, but it mostly comes with chicken and pork, if you are a vegetarian, you can have Guay Tewo without any meat in it; the type of noodles used for the dish can be either rice noodles or egg noodles. Some vendors like to add wantons or meatballs to enhance the appeal of the dish. Guay Teow comes with a topping of lime juice, sugar, dried chilli peppers and fish sauce. Usually eaten as a late-night snack, this can be consumed at any time of the day.


Tom Yum Goong

It is spicy, aromatic, and it is yumminess itself. You taste the quintessential Thai flavour in this; the condiments used are galangal, lemongrass, fresh lime juice, kaffier lime leaves and shallots. If you want it to be creamy, you can ask the vendor to add coconut milk.


Tom Kha Gai

This is more like Tom Yum, but less spicy. If you love Tom Yum but cannot stomach the spiciness, go for Tom Kha Gai. It is made with a lot of coconut milk, which is what moderates the spicy level.


Som Tam

The dish was originated in North-eastern Thailand, and has become a Thai favourite. Som Tam is served in a variety of styles, but a classic Som Tam dish comes with runner beans, garlic, lime juice, fish sauce, palm sugar, tamarind pulp, dried shrimp, carrots, tomatoes and papaya. All the ingredients are crushed together using a mortar and a pestle.


Yam Pla Dook Foo

It is mouth-wateringly crispy and fluffy. Yam Pla Dook Foo is a fish salad made of fish and green mango. The fish is cut into tiny pieces and fried, which is what creates the crispiness of Yam Pla Dook Foo. The fried fish pieces are then mixed with a spicy green mango salad. Many Thais consume this as an appetiser or a beer snack.


Yam Talay

This one is both healthy and delicious. Yam Talay doesn't have a specific set of ingredients, a guest at Chatrium Golf Resort Soidao might enjoy a version that's different from the street food version. However, it usually comes with shrimp, squid, mussels, crabmeat and scallops. The other ingredients include onions, tomatoes and rice glass noodles.



It was originated in Isan and now is a favourite with the locals. Laab is a spicy salad that's made of mint, mushroom and meat. Any meat item can grace the dish, including chicken and pork. Mushrooms are the characteristic ingredient of Laab.


Pad Phuk Tong

If you are a vegetarian, Pad Phuk Tong is your option. This dish is a bit hard to find, but if you are lucky, you will discover an eatery or two that serve Pad Phuk Tong. It is usually consumed with a bowl of rice.


Pad Thai

Pad Thai is one of the national dishes, and every tourist starts their food excursion with it. This is fried noodles mixed with shrimp or chicken; you can find the vegetarian option as well. Pad Thai can be found in every street corner.


Pak Boong

It translates to morning glory, and is an extremely healthy food option found in Thailand. Pak Boong is made with leaves similar to spinach; these leaves are fried and infused with soy sauce, soybean paste, chilli and garlic.