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Updated by Yaseen Dadabhay on Mar 30, 2013
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Building a Great Blog C

How to Build Community on a Blog: 24 Must Read Articles from around the Web : @ProBlogger

Written on at 2:42 am by This week we've published a series of posts on the topic of building community on a blog with these posts: Today Jade Craven continues this series by looking at what others around the web have written on the topic of building community on blogs.

Building Your Online Community

A few days ago, I recorded a podcast with Srinivas Rao for BlogCastFM (yet to be published). One of the questions he asked me is what new bloggers can do to find and attract readers and build community. I used Drew Odom as an example.

The Other Side Of Comments And Community

What can someone new to the Social Media world do to find and attract readers while building their own community? This was one question that was asked of Gini Dietrich during a recent Podcast. She answered today on her Spin Sucks Blog with a post titled, Building Your Online Community.

Creating Community By Curating Content

A lot of people are talking about content curating these days. People are saying that it's really important, it's great, it's awesome, it's a growing part of the online world, et cetera ad infinitum. And hey, I'm really happy about that (cough, Blog Library, cough).

20 Tips to Build Your Blog Audience From Scratch | Heidi Cohen

"I've been blogging for a period of time but no one's reading my blog" is a refrain I often hear on BlogChat. Help, how do I get my blog to take off? Write great content is often the given answer. By itself, however, writing great content on a regular basis isn't enough to build an audience!

12 Keys To Building Your Online Community | The Rise to the Top

This question comes up all the time in my email, Facebook, Twitter, real life, etc.: "How do I build an audience?" or "How do I get people to read my blog?" or "How do I create a community?" or "David, how do you get your hair like that?"

31 Ways to Make Your Blog Stand Out | Heidi Cohen

Do you want your blog to stand out from the pack? Getting your blog or other content marketing noticed requires three distinct elements: developing great content, promoting your blog or content and making your blog sharable. This holds true for B2C, B2B, not-for-profit and personal blogs.

34 Ways to Raise Blog Readership Without Social Media | Heidi Cohen

What marketer isn't looking to expand his reader base? Most bloggers just concentrate their audience building efforts on social media. While this is effective, it overlooks a broad range of opportunities where you're already connecting with people. To help you raise your blog readership, here are 34 non-social blog promotion suggestions.

10 Quick + Easy Ways to Jump into the Blogging Community | IFB

The one thing I see most often on IFB is bloggers wondering how to build relationships with other bloggers and become part of the blogging community. Many may advocate that content is king in blogging, but community? Community is really what makes blogging worthwhile.

4 Ways to Create Community on Your Blog in 2013 | Build a Community

Being part of, and having a community , is one of the best things about blogging. It is also one of the most important things. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people, being able to draw on each others' experiences, having folks who understand and can relate to what you write about - it is truly one of the most rewarding parts of being a blogger.

How to Recruit Bloggers to Help Grow Your Online Community - For Dummies

Bloggers as community evangelists are a wonderful match. An online community manager should look to bloggers to build his community. Not only do they have the potential to join your community, but they have their own established communities as well.

The One Great Key to Building a Blog Community and Changing Lives

This is one of those posts that has been on my mind for many, many weeks. Heck, it's actually something I've been thinking about for months but the time is right to delve deep into a principle that I really feel 99% of bloggers don't fully understand-but if they did, the blogosphere would never be the same.....

Benefits of Blogging - Building a Community

This post is the second in the Benefits of Blogging series, where I will cover the many benefits of blogging, for bloggers and readers. What could be better than gaining a worldwide audience with blogging? Taking that audience and creating a community.

How to Change the World: The Art of Creating a Community

I admit it: I'm a user-group junkie. I got my first taste of user groups when I worked for Apple-speaking at their meetings was one of my great pleasures. Their members were unpaid, raging, inexorable thunderlizard evangelists for Macintosh and Apple II. These folks sustained Apple by supporting its customers when Apple couldn't-or didn't want to-support them itself.