Listly by Eduard Millán Forn
Learning jQuery doesn't have to be about browsing pages of confusing technical documentation. In 'Understanding jQuery', the author Greg Sidelnikov, a renowned Javascript veteran, explains the most important elements of jQuery programming.
Free source code and tutorials for Software developers and Architects.; Updated: 21 Apr 2013
I've been a Microsoft developer for decades now. I weaned myself on various flavors of home computer Microsoft Basic, and I got my first paid programming gigs in Microsoft FoxPro, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft Visual Basic. I have seen the future of programming, my friends, and it is terrible CRUD apps running on Wintel boxes!
El patrón de diseño Dashboard, que podríamos traducir como Panel de control, es un patrón de diseño de intefaces gráficas que llegó a ser muy popular entre las aplicaciones Android, principalmente porque permite al usuario nada más acceder a la app conocer de un vistazo las principales funcionalidades disponibles y acceder directamente a ellas, ubicando todos los accesos en una una única y misma pantalla de un smartphone.
I tweet from @dhh and email from I write essays on this site and on the 37signals blog. Creator of Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails is an open-source web framework that's optimized for programmer happiness and beautiful code. I created Rails in 2004 and continue to lead the development.
Blogs Yes, the release of Java SE 8 (JDK8) has slipped again. But it's for good reason: platform-wide security enhancements. Two rights can make a wrong in the software-design world. Many processors now have built in analog I/O and that certainly makes things easier. is a leading source for reliable Embedded Systems development articles, tech papers, webinars, courses, products, and tools. Visit for the latest information on Embedded Development industries, insights, and educational resources.
Hablábamos hace unas semanas, en el post de una lista de herramientas de calidad software imprescindibles, sobre como en estos años se ha disparado el número de herramientas para el control de la...
Los patrones molan, si sabes cómo usarlos, más. Hace algún tiempo compramos en la oficina el libro " Patrones de diseño para C# ". Este libro detalla los 23 modelos de diseño fundamentales y aunque aún no he tenido tiempo de leerlo al completo, lo que he visto está bien explicado y es sencillo de entender.
Stack Exchange is a fast-growing network of 101 question and answer sites on diverse topics from software programming to cooking to photography and gaming. We build libraries of high-quality questions and answers, focused on the most important topics in each area of expertise.
Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required.