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Updated by rm20157 on Mar 08, 2020
rm20157 rm20157
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Assistive Technology

We all need a little help at times. Below is a list of resources that can help you interact with any website.

OpenDyslexic is a typeface users can download and install on their web browsers. You can turn all text into another font that is easier to read if you have dyslexia.

Natural Readers

Need help converting text to speech? Try Natural Readers. This text to speech program converts any text (PDF, word, eBooks, and webpages) in a natural sounding voice. This application will also turn text to a dyslexic format to make it easier to read for people with dyslexia.

Google Text-to-Speech - Apps on Google Play

Google's Text-to-speech will read text out loud to you. Whether you are wanting a book read aloud, wanting to know how to pronounce a word, or if you have trouble reading the text, this application can help!

Do you find reading websites and other text a challenge? Try Dyslexie, a typeface that helps make reading easier on any device.

Educational Technology Guy: Assistive Technology and Accessibility Resources

A collection of resources related to assistive technologies.

Understood helps parents and educators understand learning difficulties. There are a lot of articles and resources that help us experience what our child is experiencing and how to offer help.