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Updated by xoyab43795 on Feb 28, 2020
xoyab43795 xoyab43795
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Common Challenges for Real Estate Recruitment

In this list, we are going to discuss the challenges occurring in real estate recruitment.


Agent discovery

Finding talented agents worth hiring is a major obstacle, and the first one most agencies face. You’ll need some sort of platform to find new candidates, keep track of all their information, and evaluate them based on what they could offer your agency.


Timing and replacement

Agencies function most efficiently when they always have a full team of available agents. But what happens when an agent quits? Most agencies scramble to find a replacement as quickly as possible, which is not the ideal approach to real estate recruitment



There are thousands of real estate agencies and brokers out there, and many of them will be in direct competition with you to find and recruit the best talent in the industry.


Hours spent

You might have a solid process for recruiting new real estate agents, but how long does it take for you to go through the motions? If you spend too many hours on real estate recruiting, the end result won’t be cost-efficient.



You may be able to hire talented agents, but can you keep them around? The cost or hiring and onboarding new agents is high, so you’re much better off keeping the ones you have instead of always being on the lookout for new ones.