The modern paper production phenomenon is very sensitive to disturbances and deposit formation act as a limiting factor of the productivity on a paper machine. Organic deposits include pitch, stickies, and papermaking additives whereas inorganic deposits contain scale, fillers, and other inorganic components. Deposit that impact paper machine efficiency and running ability are categorized as organic, inorganic, and microbiological.
In the Pulp and Paper business, the microbiological population being restricted is dynamic, thus any treatment program should maintain the flexibility that’s capable of handling production or seasonal
How to Control the Microbiological Problems In The Paper Industry?
A variety of microbial & different deposit chemicals is often advised by *microbiological
& deposit chemical *suppliers to monitor the microbial challenge in the processing of
paper. Here are several reasons why you should take care of microbes in the production
of paper.
We provide expertise, application know-how, and chemicals that improve our customers‘ product quality, process, and resource efficiency. Our focus is on pulp & paper, oil & gas, and water treatment...