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Updated by Bibin Ealoor on Feb 19, 2020
Bibin Ealoor Bibin Ealoor
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OET Coaching in Kerala

If you are researching about the best OET (Occupational English Test) coaching centres in Kerala, this list would be useful.

OET Kottayam Coaching | Chaithanya Academy - Best OET Training in Kottayam

At Chaithanya Academy, we provide exquisite coaching for OET exams, which sets us apart from other OET Centers in Kerala. Our trainers have developed unique strategies which help you ace OET with ease. Our regular OET Classes are of 1 to 3 months duration while crash courses for OET are of 1 to 3 weeks duration. Regular OET classes commence at 09:30 AM and ends at 04:00PM. They are arranged Monday through Friday.

OET in Kottayam | Chaithanya Academy - OET Coaching / Training in Kottayam

Experience the best OET coaching @ Chaithanya Academy. Specialized coaching for all modules of OET - Reading, Listening, Writing & Speaking.

Online OET | OET Online Coaching / Training in India, Kerala

Get Cutting-Edge OET Online Coaching in Kerala (India), enrol today at Chaithanya OET Training Centre in Kottayam, Kerala. Secure OET B Grade in All Modules

OET Kottayam | Ealoor - Best OET Coaching / Training in Kottayam, Kerala

Enroll today for OET Kottayam Coaching at Ealoor - ONLY training center in Kottayam, Kerala having dedicated wing for recruitment of nurses to the U.K.

Nursing Jobs in UK for Indian (Kerala) Nurses | UK Nursing Recruitment

Ealoor is the best UK nursing recruitment agency in Kerala, India. For nursing jobs in UK for Indian nurses, we arrange interviews with NHS (UK) Hospitals.

Best OET Coaching / Training Centre in Kottayam, Kerala

Best IELTS / OET coaching (regular/ online) in Kottayam, Kerala. We are the leading IELTS / OET training centre in Kerala with unparallaled sucess rate.


The task is similar across various health profession. Nurses will be asked to write a letter specific to their profession.

Online IELTS Coaching in Kerala - Best IELTS Online Training in India

For Cutting-Edge Online IELTS Training in India, Enroll Today @ Chaithanay Online IELTS Coaching in Kerala. Ensure IELTS Band Score With Unique Syllabus.