It’s not a secret that every student can meet such a problem as getting a good recommendation letter for applying for any foreign scholarship or grant or work at a famous corporation etc. So, here you can find some useful information about such a recommendation letter.
A good letter of recommendation is proof that:
Everything you wrote about yourself in your resume and essay is true. You have many skills and this is confirmed by real-life examples given by the author of the letter.
You have good management skills and you can convince: you need to work hard to convince the teacher or supervisor to write a recommendation letter of the desired content in due time.
You are adequately evaluating how other people perceive you: the successful choice of the author of the letter of recommendation speaks for itself.
Do not refer to the stories described in the recommendation, neither in the essay nor in other circumstances. Otherwise, the selection board will decide that there are not enough such "success stories" in your track record. This task is not so easy as choosing good website to prepare qualified paper and read here all required information and samples. Key characteristics that can be described in the letter of recommendation can be summarized in a shortlist of personal qualities, mental abilities, and character.
Personal qualities: maturity; professional skills; self-confidence and endurance; creativity; prudence; ability to listen; ability to work with others; ability to motivate others; organization and planning skills; judgment; leadership qualities; ability to analyze and solve complex problems.
Mental abilities: analytical skills; mathematical abilities; savvy; healthy skepticism; imagination and creativity; communication skills (written and oral); knowledge of other languages; pedantry; breadth of scientific interests.
*Nature: *sense of morality; honesty; proactivity; motivation and initiative; a sense of humor; interaction with loved ones; a sense of civic responsibility; style of behavior; social skills.
An algorithm for preparing a letter of recommendation can be the following:
Choose potential recommenders (two or three, depending on the requirements) who can evaluate your key skills in an authoritative way. Contact them. This is best done three months before the deadline for submission of letters of recommendation.
Provide the necessary information. Tell about deadlines, provide copies of motivation letter, and a brief description of your positioning as a candidate. If a recommendation writer writes multiple emails at once, help pick out the main ideas for each one. Remind yourself of the key points of your collaboration. Provide a brief outline of the letter and provide your resume that you have prepared earlier.
Stay in touch so that the referrer can quickly get any help or advice you need. The person who provides you with poor English skills can offer you his own draft letter of recommendation. The recommender can also write in his own language, which will then be translated into English by a third-party translator.
Use all these simple tips and you would get your best recommendation letter. Because it can be a ticket to new knowledge, skills, and impressions.