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Updated by xoyab43795 on Feb 13, 2020
xoyab43795 xoyab43795
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Steps To follow while go for Certificate attestation in Dubai

If you are a citizen of UAE, residing in Dubai and wanting to move out of the country for your future career, for studies or for taking up permanent residency in another country, you need to hire an agency that offers certificate attestation services in Dubai for the job.


Collating Documents

Collating all your documents, photocopying them and then submitting them at the Dubai Courts’ Notary Public or DCNP along with original documents and a valid ID of yours.


Submit the Papers at Ministry

After the DCNP officials verify and sign/stamp the papers, you need to submit the documents with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dubai. You also need to submit the original documents and the fee for attestation.


Submit the Documents in Embassy

In the next step, you need to have your documents submitted at the Embassy of the country that you are relocating to, in Dubai. The officials here will give the final authentication to the documents.


Final Step

Some countries, also require the embassy-attested documents to go to their respective Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the final attestation.



Attestation services in Dubai will encompass providing validation services for all kinds of documents. Be sure that you pick the right one for these jobs because a lot of your personal information is contained in these papers that can be misused, can be lost or mis-represented by fake and illegal agencies.