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Updated by Coding Overload on Feb 03, 2020
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Top 5 Kid Friendly Computer Science Youtube Channels

It is quite useful to be able to show a YouTube video in class, or have a student watch a video at home. The main issue I have found is not knowing which videos will be appropriate or not. I worry about exposing any of my students to inappropriate material, so I am very cautious of which videos I play. I usually prewatch all of them. Today, I will be listing 5 kid friendly YouTube channels, that you don’t have to worry about at all.

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I doubt many people are surprised to see on here, as it is a very well known, and child friendly YouTube channel. is also a very popular website that has advocated to get computer science classes added to as many schools as possible.




While DKinVideo doesn’t focus entirely on programming, it does have a playlist with some high quality computer science videos. These will be especially good for beginners. I wish they had more videos for sure, but they do make up for that by having some interesting Lego videos as well.




Rumpus is a YouTube channel created to upload videos made for BBC Bitsize, which I have discussed before in my top 10 teaching resources I linked to above. They have a 5 video series that is incredibly well done, and have a number of equally as good math videos. If you happen to teach computer science and math, this channel will be super useful for you!




KidsCanCode is a computer science education company which offers online lessons, YouTube lessons, and in-person classes. They’ve been in business for around 3 years, and the KidsCanCode YouTube channel is a great out of class resource. I would recommend using it as homework. You can have students work on the lessons on their own, then maybe plan one day where each student can present what they created.


Ted Education

Ted Education

I have used TED Ed videos in numerous different types of classes. I’ve used it in my English classes, math classes, and programming classes. While they don’t have a ton of videos about programming, they do have a lot about how computers work. So, if you are teaching a general computing class, this is an incredibly valuable resource.