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. Fratres is an online job search engine that is helping job seekers around the world to make their career path. Join fratres now and make your dream job available to you.

Searching For A Job, Online or Traditional which is better for you?

fratres is an online job search engine that helps you to get in touch with millions of job opportunity around the world. sign up with fratres to join world's latest job opportunity. with tools helping you to search job , create CV and company reviews.

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Strategies to make a successful career
Having a prosperous career can provide you with plenty of advantages and real profitable opportunities. As we tend to sleep in a world ruled by social station and cash, operating your high to the highest will certainly improve your quality of life. There are several doable reasons that a private would want success.


How to Prepare for a Behavioral Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Behavioral Job Interview

What is a behavioral interview? What must you do to urge prepared if the leader goes to raise your behavioral primarily based interview questions? Fratres is an online job service search engine that is providing job opportunity to job seekers around the world. Join fratres now and make your dream job available to you.


Top 5 Careers in Pakistan

Top 5 Careers in Pakistan

Traditional jobs have undergone some radical changes within these few years. You may consider working in another profession, but you want to know the developments in the labor market. The solution is here. Fratres will introduce to the best careers in Pakistan, including the highest paid jobs.
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6 Signs That you Should Take a Break from Job Search

6 Signs That you Should Take a Break from Job Search

Searching for a dream job isn’t a straightforward process. It requires time, effort, and energy. It’s good to show your dedication to a job search in Pakistan. However, some signs tell you to take a break from your job search; let’s find out what these are.


Top 5 Most Reliable Sources of Finding Jobs in Pakistan

Top 5 Most Reliable Sources of Finding Jobs in Pakistan

The job search process can be very discouraging and frustrating if there is no hope of employment, especially when the daily application can often be uncountable. So every applicant in Pakistan wants reliable, trustworthy sources. jobs in pakistan can be found easliy by visiting fratres website


7 Biggest Challenges Employer Face Today

7 Biggest Challenges Employer Face Today

Within the coming of 2020, much frightening news is circulating in the media like CoronaVirus, Australian forest fires, and many other issues that can affect the business scale. You might think that these issues are far from Pakistan, and there won’t be any harm in the future. We hope so. But keep in mind that some employers have foreign trades in China and Australia.we find job descriptions looking for people who have maximum knowledge and skills to work in specific fields. While in logic terms such a job requires, for example, three different employees and not a single applicant. You might feel that this employer is looking for three in one shampoo bottle rather than an employee. How rude can this employer be by demanding all these conditions from a single employee?? Can some job descriptions sound like an exploitation contract? But what if it can be the opposite?


How to be More Productive at Work? Follow 10 Easy Tips

Are you thinking of performing well on your job? It's a good thing because if you are thinking about how to be more productive at work, then you are on the right track of your career success to find job in pakistan. A lot of people don't even think about how they can stay productive in the workplace. They are just going to the office and keep following the schedule. Before I tell you some ways that would offer an instant boost in your performance level, you need to understand what productivity is in the workplace.

It means your ability to handle more tasks in a day. When you complete all your assigned tasks quickly, then it means you are performing well. It is that simple.

However, it doesn't mean to become a machine and complete tasks of a full week in 2-3 days. The idea here is to work smart, not hard. job search


Things to Consider While Writing a Cover Letter for Bank Job

Things to Consider While Writing a Cover Letter for Bank Job

Things to Consider While Writing a Cover Letter for Bank Job

No matter if you are applying for a bank manager job or a bank-teller one, you need to attach your CV with a cover letter for a banking job. In some cases, a cover letter is not a must, but in other instances, recruiters ask for it.

If you ask me I should send a cover letter or not, then I will say “You should” or consider it a “Must” whether someone asks you to write a letter correctly or not. Why is that? It’s because a cover letter offers you a clear playing ground where you can go and play on your terms. In simple words, whatever you missed on your CV can be explained here.


impact of covid 19 on job market

impact of covid 19 on job market

The overall engagement sentimentality within the country is maybe getting to spectator an opposing impact inside the short term with 60-65 percent interviews getting late to get a job in pakistan, especially within the services sector, following the slowdown across industries triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, industry experts said.


How to Reschedule an Interview?

How to Reschedule an Interview?

There is no doubt the correct way to let your employer know that you are not coming on time, and you want this job. This option is called rescheduling a job interview. Fratres will offer you practical ways to do so.


Tips to write effective Resume in 2020

Tips to write effective Resume in 2020

Resume is the first document that effects on our job hiring process. Organizations and interviewers overlook your complete personality form this document. The more effective this document will be, higher the chances to get recruit in organization. Nobody has to tell the importance of their resume to hiring organization. An effective resume sums up all the information that are necessary from a candidate side to hiring management team, including qualifications, your personal skills, and effective team skills that can be helpful to in pakistan


Writing a Cover letter that really works in 2020

Writing a Cover letter that really works in 2020

Resume letter is one of strongest tool in job hunt and getting a job. It can really helpful to strengthen a weak resume, distinguish you from other candidates, and it’s a source to connect you with hiring manager that would be impossible. The guide will help to write an effective cover letter in 2020. Join fratres to get job around the world with easy following steps.

A Cover letter: -

A cover letter is one-page document that introduces your job history, professional skills, and personal interests in applying a job. Hiring manager of any organization, combined the cover letter with resume or CV to hire a candidate and screen the applicants.

Why to write a cover letter?

The purpose of cover letter is to impress and convince recruiters to give you an interview chance, and ultimately impress hiring manager to get job. As a candidate for job, you’ll be judged by how clearly and effectively you can make your case in impressive way to get job in cover letter. To conversate in effective manners, cover letter should include related professional skills, experience, and persuasive angle and avoid Grammarly mistakes that may put a bad impression.

What to include in cover letter in 2020?

Searching for new job in 2020 is a time-consuming endeavor. By an estimate, it approximately took six weeks to apply for, interview and finally land for a new job offer. And across any industry and organization and level of work, there is always one step to hiring procedure that’s bound to slow down even most of qualified and enthusiastic and deserving candidate: the Cover letter.

But findings from one new report offer some motivation to draft a good elevator pitch, even in a time when cover letters are becoming increasingly optional.

According to a survey of 200 hiring managers, a resume advice site, 83% of HR professionals agreed with the statement a great cover letter can make me decide to interview a candidate, even if I don’t think their resume is good enough.

That means, out of every 10 resumes where the applicant might not have the right work history, set of skills or management experience, eight job seekers are likely to advance, as long as they can make up for it in their cover letters.

A majority of hiring managers said cover letters were crucial to their hiring decisions, and 77% give preference to candidates who submit one, even if they’re deemed optional on the application form. A similar share always expects the document, even if they’re not required in order to apply.

What a job seeker should necessarily do to make effective cover letter

While cover letters can give candidates a step forward in competition, they came with a major caveat. Companies are increasingly relying on applicant tracking system, often shortened to ATS, Artificial intelligence tracking software to view, process resumes. About 85% of hiring managers doesn’t even consider a job application that is without cover letter. The algorithm of ATS software are developed on the basis of scanning resumes for specific words and phrases around the work history, skills and accomplishments, responsibilities, to identify candidates who match well with the job description.

More than 70% of resumes are being scanned through robots. The three recommendations for a effective cover letter are:

Using standard file type: using Microsoft word or Google docs to write and upload to job website server so that it can easily be parsed.
Check grammar and spelling mistakes. Please avoid these tiny mistakes as it can impact badly on your job application.
Clearly elaborate the skills and expertise that you have with any volunteer work that you have done to easily parse it to rank your application.
These three things that should be added to in cover letter. While workers should include detailed about their qualifications on a resume, they need to be quick and witty, creative and confident, when it comes to cover letter a hiring manager team spends 20 seconds to review the cover letter and make it decisions either to go with candidate or skip his entire resume.

The main thing that a hiring team always looking for in a cover letter is the reason to join the company , how can a candidate be a valuable asset to organization, how can he enhance their business, is candidate got necessary moral to keep the company information private, can he be a valuable customer to it’s products.

The rule to apply for a job is by showing a specific interest related to job posting. LinkedIn experts have mentioned in their posts that the intention from a candidate is 50 percent of his motivation to get the job. How much is candidate involved in job and how can handle the pressure situation for job of his interest, showing enthusiasm and showing them that you have done the research work, make a contribution to job applying for and getting the job easily by answering the general interview questions.


Can Blogging be a Full-time job in 2020?

Can Blogging be a Full-time job in 2020?

Thinking for a career of blogging in 2020? Are you wandering about the blogging career and want to know about it’s worth in 2020? Is it possible to make livelihood for new bloggers like you from just blogging in 2020? Let’s have an glimpse on ideas in mind about these questions. Fratres is a online job search engine that can help you to get a blogging job online

When I start my own blogging for financial purpose, I also have the same questions always looking for answers from any side that can satisfy my inner motivation and keep me connect with blogging, in fact, the reason behind starting my own career as a blogger, I read a lot of money income reports and blogs about the fairy and unambiguous money that people were making through blogging.

When we see the persons just like us, making a healthy income or you can say a six-digit income just by sitting at home in front of their laptops, it makes us wonder if we can do the same for ourselves?

It might take a bit of time to decide and make final decision either to invest money and time that at the end may return nothing!!

The other question that came into mind is that “there is also a lot of financial bloggers available in the market, how can I compete with them and make my place at my own , they started much earlier than me and now that they have a large audience on their website that is hat helping them to make money.

But according to psychology, self-doubt and fear are normal things happen to a person while taking a decision in life. But to fear about taking decision is not important as to remember the reaction from doubts and fear.

So, by connecting the puzzles, first of all I realize that competition is good in blogging so it means that there is a lot of money in this niche, secondly if there is a lot of bloggers already existing in the same niche doesn’t mean I cant make my money. Each and every blogger have unique and innovative story telling style and ideas that can relate to them and make them unique in rest of the row. The best suiting example for this puzzle is that it is just as same as there is a lot of books published each year while a hundred of books always been read out from readers. Projects can be get from freelancing platforms and online job search engine that are working around the world.

Are you suitable for a blogging career and can make a way to success?
it takes time to analyze the performance and taking a decision that can be workful. Strong nerves are required to feel the results in a coming few weeks or months that can help you to analyze your performance, extracting poor and bad points that are hinderance in your success, make them correct and get start to your work.

After starting blog writing and tracking traffic to your blog is a tricky and time-consuming process. To get traffic, a very good content on blog that attracts the readers and target audience is a key. Social networks may help you to spread the link to your circle. Quality is top priority for a blogger.

How to Start a Career in Photography in India?

A career in photography requires a lot of skills and talents, not to mention the right equipment. Although it takes a lot to reach your ultimate goal, the possibility of becoming a professional photographer requires these steps.

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If you are going to apply for a receptionist job, then the solid communication skills and many others are the essential attributes for the receptionist job.

If we talk about the cover letter of a receptionist job, then you should highlight the specific skills in the job description like expertise in QuickBooks or Microsoft Office or industry terminology.

What to Write in a Subject Line While Emailing a Resume? (for Freshers)

Emails are the fastest way to exchange documents and messages. When it comes to employment, sending an email is sometimes one of the toughesttasks that job seekers and fresh graduates can face . Sometimes they get hesitant about writing the subject line that summarizes the email content. Whatever are your worries, today's article is about writing the best subject line, including the ways of sending a resume without any further hesitance.

How to End a Letter, Salutations Sign off Examples

fratres is an online job search engine that helps you to get in touch with millions of job opportunity around the world. sign up with fratres to join world's latest job opportunity. with tools helping you to search job , create CV and company reviews.

Easy Online Jobs which Pay through Paytm

The internet is considered as a significant investment. This network has long contributed to the ease of life of many people. Making a profit from the internet is no longer a myth. Fratres will show you the easiest online jobs that secure a real living. Nowadays, many people are escaping the nine to five office work. This article will help move from a boring office to online job opportunities.