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Updated by Lindsey Christiansen on Aug 14, 2013
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4 Reasons to Eat Locally Grown Foods

If you are one of millions of Americans who have no idea where their food comes from, but just eat in ignorant bliss, you may want to think again. If you buy food from the supermarket, chances are your food has been flown in from thousands of miles away; sometimes from the other side of the world. A Utah Medical Assisting College suggests four significant reasons for buying locally grown food.




By eating foods that were grown locally you do less damage to the environment. A Utah Medical Assisting College recommends aiding the environment and keeping yourself healthy by eating locally. Foods that were grown thousands of miles away require large amounts of fuel to ship them to you. By looking for farmers who follow organic and sustainable growing practices and energy use to minimize your food’s environmental impact, you can eat well while taking care of our planet.




If you want your food to be incredibly fresh and taste better than food that has been trucked or flown in from thousands of miles away, buy locally grown fruit and vegetables. The taste difference between lettuce picked yesterday and lettuce picked last week and sealed in plastic is incredible.




Buying locally grown foods means that they are seasonal; a Utah Medical Assisting College recommends eating foods that are in season to give your body the rich nutrients it needs. Eating foods that are in season translates into food that tastes much better. Not to mention that if you haven’t eaten a certain food for most of the year, when you finally have the chance to eat it, the food tastes amazing. Eating corn or apples that have just been picked is delicious and nutritious.




A Utah Medical Assisting College encourages people to keep our food safe by eating locally. The fewer steps there are between your food’s source and your table, the less chance there is for contamination. Also, when you know exactly where your food comes from and who grows it, you can rest easy with the assurance that you are putting clean, safe food into your body.

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