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Updated by Liz Cies on Dec 26, 2024
Liz Cies Liz Cies
9 items   5 followers   1 votes   160 views

Google Alerts Alternatives




Define you web sphere, the part of the web 2.0 you really care about (blogs, forums, Twitter, Facebook), run permanent searches and get alerted within minutes of matching content publication.

mention | Your Media Monitoring Application

Media and Social Monitoring Monitor millions of sources in 42 languages and don't miss anything published on social networks, news sites, forums, blog or any web page. Anti-Noise Technology Remove the noise coming from homonyms and spam by using our in-house technology that learns from your behavior.

newsle: news about your people

When your friends make the news, we make sure you know. Newsle tracks news about your friends and professional contacts across the web. You'll never miss an important story about someone you care about.

Little Bird

Use Little Bird to engage experts that other experts trust

Social Media Monitoring, Analysis & Engagement made easy! - talkwalker

Create in a few easy steps your own Social-Media-Story and walk through the main news, the opinion leading blogs, Twitter advocates, the most recent topics and much more. With only one click you can export and edit the whole story in PowerPoint or Word.

Topsy - Instant social insight

Topsy - Instant social insight

IFTTT / Put the internet to work for you.

Put the internet to work for you.

Notification Control

Email notifications can be a pain! Take 1 minute to set them up the way you want.

Hyper Alerts

The best way to get email alerts. Hyper Alerts is a feature for everybody who wants email reports of posts and comments on a selected Facebook-page.