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Updated by Animation Guides on Nov 17, 2022
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Adobe Character Animator Puppets

Collection of free and premium Adobe Character Animator puppets. For more puppets visit


Roger - Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download a puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Roger can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture and perform certain animations.

Albert - Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download a puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Albert can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture and perform certain animations.

New Puppets - March 2019 (Adobe Character Animator)

This month's free puppet Cornelius the Monkey has it all - head turns, expressive facial expressions, triggerable clothes and props, and a video game control...

Where to buy puppets? - Adobe Support Community

Just wondering if there is a good resource for buying puppets. I'm not an artist. So, I don't want to try and start from scratch. I'm looking for normal human.

Nelson - FREE Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download a puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Nelson can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture and perform certain animations.

Albert Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Albert is a puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Albert can walk, express emotions and perform different gestures. Albert is fully rigged and ready to import...

Nelson Puppet for Adobe Character Animator [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Nelson is a free puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Nelson can walk, express emotions and perform different gestures. Nelson is fully rigged and ready to i...

Alex the Businessman Character Animator Puppet Character Animator Puppet | GraphicMama

Compatible with the latest features of Adobe Character Animator. Alex the Businessman is a freebie elegant young businessman character. He is prepared as a puppet, so you can use him for animations, explainer videos, etc. He can point, showcase, give thumbs up, wave. The puppet can also hold a Notepad, Pointer, Pen, and an Envelope. Walking left/right and advanced head movements included. The file is ready to import and use in Adobe Character Animator.

Adobe Character Animator Puppets - Animation Guides

A wide range of free and premium puppets for Adobe Character Animator. The puppets are fully rigged and come with different pre-made features.

Create and edit puppets in Adobe Character Animator CC

Learn to create a puppet from artwork and editing and modifying puppets from source artwork.

Updated for 2020! This is a simple walkthrough of creating a basic character in Adobe Character Animator CC. After going through this tutorial, you should be...

Adobe Character Animator - Wikipedia

Adobe Character Animator is an Emmy-award-winning[1] desktop application software product that combines live motion-capture with a multi-track recording system to control layered 2D puppets drawn in Photoshop or Illustrator. It is automatically installed with Adobe After Effects CC 2015 to 2017[2] and is also available as a standalone application which one can download separately as part of a Creative Cloud all-apps subscription.[3] It is used to produce both live and non-live animation.

Roger Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Roger is a puppet for Adobe Character Animator.

Roger can walk, express emotions and perform different gestures.

Roger is fully rigged and ready to import into Adobe Character Animator. Once imported into a scene, Roger will follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice and animate as you manually pose him. You can also just click on a replay and Roger will perform some of the 30 available premade animations.

To Download Roger Puppet Visit:

Gaya - Female Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download the Gaya puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Gaya can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture and perform certain animations.

Download Gaya Here:

Adobe Character Animator Puppets | Free Downloads | Videoers

Puppet files combine original artwork (Photoshop & Illustrator) + animation rigging (Character Animator) into one file.

Gaya Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Gaya is a female puppet for Adobe Character Animator.

Gaya can walk, express emotions and perform different gestures. Gaya can change haircuts and outfits.

Gaya is fully rigged and ready to be imported into Adobe Character Animator. Once imported into a scene, Gaya will follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice and animate as you manually pose him. You can also just click on a replay and Gaya will perform some of the 30 available premade animations.

DOWNLOAD Gaya Puppet Here:

BucketJo - Free Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

BucketJo - stick figure puppet for Adobe Character Animator that follows your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture and perform premade animations.

Download BucketJo Puppet for Free Here:

BucketJo Puppet for Adobe Character Animator [FREE DOWNLOAD]

BucketJo is a free cartoon puppet for Adobe Character Animator. bucket can walk, express emotions and perform different gestures.

Download BucketJo Puppet for Adobe Character Animator for FREE:

Mia - Female Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download the Mia puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Mia can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture and perform certain animations.

Download Mia - Female Puppet for Adobe Character Animator:

Mimi Flat Style Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download Mimi puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Mimi can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform certain animations.

Download Mimi Female Puppet for Adobe Character Animator:

Ethan Free Stick Figure Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download stylish puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Ethan can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform premade animations.

Download Ethan FREE Stick Figure Puppet for Adobe Character Animator:

Daniel Stylish Stick Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download this stylish and highly customizable stick figure puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Daniel can follow your head movements and lip-sync your voice.

Download Daniel Stylish Stick Figure Puppet for Adobe Character Animator:

Ethan Puppet for Adobe Character Animator [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Download this stylish free stick figure puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Ethan that can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform premade animations.

DOWNLOAD Ethan Puppet for FREE:

Diana Stylish Female Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download this stylish and highly customizable female stick figure puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Diana can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform premade animations. Includes dozens of facial elements, outfits, and accessories you can mix and match.

Download Diana Stylish Stick Female Puppet for Adobe Character Animator:

Alex Female Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Download this stylish and highly customizable female puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Alex can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform premade animations.

Download Alex Female Puppet for Adobe Character Animator: