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Updated by 1digitalagency on Jan 25, 2020
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Custom Ecommerce Design by Genius Ecommerce - 1Digital

We’ve designed hundreds of beautiful web stores for satisfied clients. Each new project carves, shapes and tweaks our process for the better.

Custom Ecommerce Design by Genius Ecommerce - 1Digital

We’ve designed hundreds of beautiful web stores for satisfied clients. Each new project carves, shapes and tweaks our process for the better. We’re constantly developing new ways to identify and eliminate anything that causes delays, creates confusion, misinterprets ideas, or adds expense – anything that puts your absolute satisfaction at risk. And when it comes to testing & quality assurance, we take our time. All sites are independently inspected across the top browsers and devices by at least four employees. Even still, we have to account for that pesky thing called human error. So, in the event a bug does slip through, no sweat – you’re covered with 30 days of free support.
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