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Updated by Deepak Shukla on Sep 27, 2022
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Deepak Shukla

Deepak Shukla is a managing director at Pearl Lemon. He is also Google search engine optimisation consultant, WordPress SEO expert and lead generation expert in London. If you're looking to rank on Google in ultra-competitive niche's - build a massive sales pipeline your competitors cannot cope with and become the best of the best in your industry irrespective of the competition.


Why do you need to stop talking about yourself too much?

Why do you need to stop talking about yourself too much?

There is nothing wrong with talking about yourself, it is something we all do. But the most important factor in sales is learning to listen actively, which begins with speaking less. Here, you will get to learn how to stop talking about yourself too much and listen more actively.


How to stop talking about yourself?

How to stop talking about yourself?

Evidently – the art of NOT talking about yourself is an art that most people struggle to grasp. Here, you will find some strategies on how to stop talking about yourself too much – because when you make room for other people’s dialogue – magic happens.


The 5 A’s of relationships for the couples.

The 5 A’s of relationships for the couples.

One of the biggest challenges that come out revolve around times of conflict or when your emotions rise. These are the core 5 A's of relationships that are surprisingly straightforward that couples need to be mindful of when it comes to having a successful relationship. I hope this offers some insights into how you can be an adult in relationships and the critical factors at least according to David Richo.

When to Hire an Ecommerce SEO Consultant

An SEO consultant can complement your website or blog content with email campaigns and a thorough understanding of social media. SEO consultants test the strategies they are using, so there are no nasty surprises once your content goes live. The best SEO consultant will listen to your needs, be completely transparent about what they can achieve for you- and of course, get you some amazing results. For more information contact at Deepak Shukla.

Lies a Bad Google SEO Consultant Will Tell You to Get Your Business

A good SEO strategy should get you onto page one of a Google search result for your chosen keywords/phrases and in local search results. But no reputable Google SEO consultant will ever promise you a number one ranking. For more information contact Deepak Shukla.


Want to launch a SaaS business?

Want to launch a SaaS business?

Whenever you are thinking of launching a Saas business the first thing that comes to your mind is How To Launch A SaaS Product?

Launching a SaaS product takes a great deal of difficult work and assurance. Numerous business people feel that it is tied in with getting the item out the entryway. Except if you're an accomplished business visionary, this methodology can be very baffling.


How do you cold email for a job?

How do you cold email for a job?

First question that comes to mind is how to cold email for an internship?
Find their correct email address, be specific and concise, have a strong subject line for ex: ‘Software Engineering Applicant For 2021 Winter Programme’, Don't Be Afraid to Follow Up.


Regulation of starting a property business

Regulation of starting a property business

An insight into how to start a property business. We will be starting with a property sourcing business, which is a simple model that many individuals build themselves as a freelancer. However, you can start a property flipping business, build real estate investment trusts, look at property rental businesses and a lot more.


What is Laser eye surgery? Complete guide on getting Laser eye surgery.

What is Laser eye surgery? Complete guide on getting Laser eye surgery.

Laser eye surgery basically involves reshaping your cornea so that you can focus better. If you are sick of wearing glasses or needing contacts, then getting laser eye surgery is the best decision. It can also correct long-sightedness and astigmatism.


How to effectively engage the style of writing?

How to effectively engage the style of writing?

Understanding the type of writing style while producing content is essential for the writers. Get the efficient insights and guidance on how to effectively employ the style of writing or the stream of consciousness writing to become a writing powerhouse.


What does getting a Hair Transplant look like?

What does getting a Hair Transplant look like?

Most of the people are fine with going bald, but some of them are feeling down, as a full head of hair is connected with health and virility. If you have ever considered getting a hair transplantation, then here you will get to know what a hair transplant process looks like.


What to do when you don’t know what to do with your life?

What to do when you don’t know what to do with your life?

At Pearl Lemon, we have a placement programme where we work with young people who are often coming to Pearl Lemon with it being their first place of work. And they’re here for an experience and to figure out what to do with life. What’s interesting though – is that it’s not JUST those who are fresh out of college that are joining the Pearl Lemon Placement programme – it’s also experienced folks who are looking for a job change.


What's the difference between a TED and TEDX talk?

What's the difference between a TED and TEDX talk?

TEDx is an outgrowth from what has become a very well respected platform – Ted. It became an opportunity to spread the Ted message by allowing local organizers to build Tedx events. So ultimately there are many more Tedx speeches than there are Ted talks because they are independently organized rather than centrally. Which is why we stand a better chance to actually become a Tedx speaker.


What does it mean by Having a Lion’s mentality and a grit and growth mindset?

What does it mean by Having a Lion’s mentality and a grit and growth mindset?

These are challenges or objections that keep coming up while speaking to people. Having a lion’s mentality and grit and growth mindset is what will help you continue to drive forward. To successfully become a lion in your own life – you need to have grit. A gritty mindset means you’re prepared to walk in and amongst the weeds to help bring home the flowers.


My Laser Eye Surgery Journey

My Laser Eye Surgery Journey

Laser eye surgery basically involves reshaping your cornea (i.e the front surface of your eye that you can see) so that you can focus better. Well, I first became considerate of the idea whilst waiting to get my hair transplant in Turkey back on November 13th 2020. He said he was sick of wearing glasses/needing contacts – and so decided to have the surgery – and it was one of the best decisions he had ever made.


What is a Prolific Writer?

What is a Prolific Writer?

A prolific writer is someone who writes consistently and therefore is able to build up an incredibly large volume of work. Writing prolifically doesn’t necessarily mean the work you produce is going to be incredible. Get more insights on "How to become a prolific writer" here.


Building Soap Opera Sequences

Building Soap Opera Sequences

Let's run through the concept of Soap Opera sequences template and what an amazing concept they are and how it works in practice. It’s worth mentioning that a Soap Opera Sequence is fundamentally driving its subscribers towards an offer. The best bet is to talk you through how the Soap Opera Style email sequence works.


How To Start An Accounting Business

How To Start An Accounting Business

Running an accounting business is going to be that much easier. If you haven’t had experience as an accountant that really doesn’t matter as long as the person running the actual accounts has that experience – and this would become an effective partnership. If you are excited to learn how to start an accounting business on your own, then I definitely think it’ll be an amazing journey.

How to Close That Sale With Brian Tracy Closing Techniques?

Some of the key things to learn from Brian Tracy’s closing techniques are to communicate confident expectations that they will buy. You need to feel it and believe in it. And Create sales training for my commission team to explain to them why Pearl Lemon has such amazing products so they too can believe in what they’re selling.


Why switching from Mac to Windows more preferable?

Why switching from Mac to Windows more preferable?

The world is still much more Windows than it is Macbook led. Also, Windows machines are much more affordable and cost-effective than Macbooks. For these reasons – unsurprisingly – given we’re a remote team and one of the ways I bring in talent is through our placement programme. Here, you will get to know more about why Switching from Mac to Windows is more preferable for your team's productivity.

From My Mum’s House to Success

The growth of pearl lemon and its success in the company. And what a journey it has been – full of challenges, missteps and everything in between to build an agency. Read our latest blog, from my mum's house to success. Learn about changes with training and development to guide Pearl Lemon to be successful.


How can you ‘fake it till you make it’ but not lie?

How can you ‘fake it till you make it’ but not lie?

Faking it till you make it – is more of a mindset and attitude than it is a direct behaviour. The behaviour is the activity that comes last. Now when it comes to stepping into someone’s shoes or stepping up – it’s perfectly understandable to need ‘how to fake it till you make it’ as an important factor for success.


How To Survive The Presence Of Incompetent People At Workplace?

How To Survive The Presence Of Incompetent People At Workplace?

We have to deal with different types of people in our life. Some may be generous, some selfish, while some may be helping others not so much. However, if there is one type of person we all know, we would avoid with a ten-yard stick, it has to be the incompetent ones. Popular 7 Figure Agency founder and entrepreneur Deepak Shukla has some of the best suggestions on how to deal with incompetent coworkers.

Top Rated Upwork Freelancer and Generate First 50K

Upwork is a freelancing/agency platform you can use to grow your business. A top rating means that you are favoured by the Upwork algo, appear more in searches and consequently end up often being contacted independently as well. To learn more about how to become a top rated Upwork freelancer & generate the first 50K.

Tools of Titans Summary

Deepak Shukla’s Notes on tools of titans by Tim Ferriss. He finishes reading this book on the 10th of January 2021. Here are the actual notes I took whilst I was listening to this on audible. Please visit tools of titans summary to know more about Tools of Titans.