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Updated by zaizhanghospital on Mar 15, 2020
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Kidney Disease

You can find any topics on kidney disease here! Full information on kidney disease causes, treatment, symptoms and diet.


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Serum creatinine 3.0 is high and suggests you are in stage 4 kidney disease, if you also suffered from high blood pressure. If hypertension, not controlled well, will lead to kidney damages, this is known as high blood pressure kidney disease.

Top 10 Natural Ways to Lower High Creatinine Level

Creatinine level indicates your kidney functions. The higher your creatinne level is, the worse your kidney functions are. Never belittle high creatinine levels. Here are top 10 natural ways to reduce elevated levels for your reference.

Lupus Nephrits Diagnosis and Classifications

Lupus nephritis is a serious and relatively common kidney disease which is caused by SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). Kidneys are important organs to maintain the balance of your body internal environment

Diet for stage 3 CKD to Improve Kidney Function

CKD Stage 3 is key stage for kidney disease. If treated well, most of kidney damages can be reversed, or if not, it may develop into kidney failure very soon. Diet plays an important role for patients in CKD stage 3 in improving kidney func

Suggested Diet Habit for IgA Nephropathy

Different country has different diet habits. If you need specific advice for IgA Nephropathy, this article may help you a lot. Limitation of protein ingestion If more protein is taken, there will be more nitrogenous waste after metabolism,

Tests for High Uric Acid Nephropathy Diagnosis

High Uric Acid Nephropathy is a medical condition in which autoimmune system disorder causes kidney damages. Thereby, to make an exact High Uric Acid Nephropathy Diagnosis, the tests cover both immune system and kidney function. Here are th

Natural Treatment to Improve Immunity and Cure IgA Nephropathy

If you are diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy, blood in urine and protein in urine may be common experience for you. IgA is antibody whose amount will increase when you are in a low immunity, causing IgA Nephropathy.

Systematic Symptoms of Lupus Nephritis

Lupus Nephritis is a kidney disease that is caused by autoimmune disease. Lupus or SLE not only affects kidneys only, it also involves many other organs. Lupus symptoms vary from person to person.

Will Kidney Failure Kill Me

Kidney Failure is a medical condition in which your kidneys cannot work properly to remove the toxins in your body. Will kidney failure kill me? Many patients ask this question, after they got the diagnosis.[enter link description here](

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Нам позвонил пациент, который попросил у нас помощи по поводу атрофии почки. После анализа ее состояния осмотерапия традиционной китайской медицины может стать для нее дополнительным лечением.

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Почечная недостаточность - это заболевание, при котором ваши почки не могут нормально работать для удаления токсинов из вашего организма. Убьет ли меня почечная недостаточность? Многие пациенты задают этот вопрос после того, как им поставили диагноз. На данный момент нет подтвержденного ответа. Но вот некоторые мнения разных врачей для вашей информации.

Диета для улучшения функции почек при 3-й стадии ХБП

3-я стадия ХБП является ключевой стадией заболевания почек. При правильном лечении большинство повреждений почек может быть обращен

Top5 Tips for Traveling on Purpura Nephritis

Traveling is exacting news for most people. For Purpura nephritis, you may need prepare more than others. Whether its a weekend break or a 2 week tropical escape, Purpura nephritis patients are suggested to well prepare for your traveling.

Immunotherapy for Transplanted Kidney Failure

Q: I received kidney transplant for kidney failure 10 years ago. However, now my kidneys cannot work again for my creatinine level elevates (290). Why my kidney failures come back? can you suggest an alternative therapy?

Treatment for Kidney Failure Secondary to RPGN

Q: I just found out that the reason for my brothers kidney failure is rapid progressive Glomerulonephritis also known as crescent Glomerulonephritis. His GFR is at 9. Are you telling me that cell treatment can help him? That would be wonder