This country of the Persian Gulf is one with a population of approximately 2.7 million people. Its capital is Doha known as AL Dawha in Arabic. In terms of its literacy, roughly 97% of the population can read and write and are classified as literate. Their native language is understandably Arabic and their currency is Qatari Riyals- a rather strong one in the world economic landscape. Doha, its capital was once a fishing village where pearl fishing thrived. In addition to this, the city was also famous for horse and camel breeding as well. Qatar has been quite a famous trade centre with Indian and Chinese goods being the goods of trading choice. Following World War 1, Qatar became a British Protectorate and only gained its independence in the year 1971. The governance of the country is to date a monarchy and is ruled by the Al Thani family. The country follows Sharia law which is a religious law that is inclined to follow a lot of Islamic traditions.