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Updated by Emma Rowan on Jan 08, 2020
Emma Rowan Emma Rowan
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8 Beautiful Signs that Say Your Cat Loves You

Cats have a reputation for being cranky creatures who think they're the boss of you. But these 8 beautiful signs will prove otherwise.


Headbutts made with love

Headbutts made with love

Headbutting you gently is your cat's way of telling you that you're his buddy. This isn't a token of affection from humans, but for cats, it's a sign of love and affection.

"Butting is a cat's communication method of showing affection for others. By rubbing this body part against one of yours, she is identifying you as one of her friends."
~Gayle Hickman, Pet Behavior Researcher.


Showing you their tummy

Showing you their tummy

What can be cuter than a cat's fluffy belly?

And the fact that you're seeing one means your cat trusts you enough to do so. Cats voluntarily show their bellies to creatures that they trust. It shows that they feel safe, and are perfectly alright with being vulnerable.

So, if you see your kitty stretching out on the floor beside you while rolling around, you can bet that it feels affectionate.


They're purring when they're with you

They're purring when they're with you

This is one of the most common ways to tell that a cat likes you. Purring is a very good indication that your cat just loves to be around you. In fact, a behavior manager for Cats Protection by the name of Nicky Trevorrow says they reserve their purrs exclusively for humans they love.

Purrs for other cats are a 'no,' except to their own kittens.


Tails twitch at the tip or wrap around your leg

Tails twitch at the tip or wrap around your leg

Just like dogs, local vets can attest to the fact that a cat's tail reveals lots of things about it's current mood. Bushy tails, upright hair, and an arched back is a sign of a cat feeling threatened.

But an erect tail that swishes means they're confident and happy as they are in your presence. And when they curl their tails around your arm or leg, that means they think of you as a friend and want to share their affection.


Bringing you gifts

Bringing you gifts

Cats' gifts aren't the sort of things you could hang on Christmas trees. Most of the time, they vary from dead mice to bugs to frogs, or even trash. Don't mistake this as problematic behavior. It's simply your feline friend telling you that they feel really at-home with you.

Technically, they're not for you, but cats bring them home to where they feel secure. So take it as a sign of your cat feeling safe with you.


Following you around everywhere

Following you around everywhere

If the cat insists on hopping into bed to sleep next to you, or sneaking into the bathroom while you're showering, or even watching you eat, that means they take great interest in you.


Gives you a 'kitty kiss'

Gives you a 'kitty kiss'

No, it's no licking you.

If you're a cat owner, you're familiar with the trance-like gaze that felines often deliver. As it turns out, they're actually trying to communicate their affection towards you. Slowly blinking at you means they love you, and that's why it's referred to as the 'kitty kiss.' This also explains why you see your cats doing this when other cats are around.


Gurgling all the time

Gurgling all the time

This may sound strange to others who don't own cats, but some felines make a distinctive high-pitched gurgling when they feel really friendly and sociable. So if you catch your cat gurgling all the time, that means you're keeping them in high-spirits.