Clear is a basic to-do list application which relies a lot on gestures and colors to make the process of managing your tasks as simple as possible. It color-codes your tasks to help you to focus on the most important things first. In general, this app is very easy to use, and this is made easier thanks to the quick tutorial which runs the first time you launch the application. Since basically all the functionality available in Clear is triggered via gestures such as pinching and swiping, this tutorial walks you through the most-commonly used gestures to help you get a handle on them very quickly.
Overall, if you need reminders, due dates and other similar "advanced" functionalities, then one should look elsewhere. But if you required a simple, colorful to-do list with pretty much the basic-functionalities of a normal pen and paper, then this app is sure to provide you with all that in a colorful, simple to use application.