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Updated by KHYF Viniyoga on Jan 03, 2020
Headline for Join the World's BEST 500 Hour Viniyoga® Teacher Training
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Join the World's BEST 500 Hour Viniyoga® Teacher Training

We have last few seats left in our 500 Hour Viniyoga® Teacher Training to begin in Chennai , India on Feb 20, 2020.

  • Become a globally recognised teacher
  • Most comprehensive and in-depth teaching
  • Classical tradition based
  • Explore Yogasutra of Patanjali
  • Learn Asana, Pranayama, Mantra, Mudra and Meditation
  • Learn directly from the most experienced Viniyoga® teachers
  • Scholarships are available Regards Rupa - Courses Department



KHYF Viniyoga

KHYF Viniyoga

This Program could be the Best Gift you may give yourself for the year 2020.

We are keen to have a telephone call to help you understand more. Please let us know a date and time convenient to you.

Rupa - Courses Department

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training India | khyf

Yoga Teacher Training Our in-depth Yoga Teacher Training Program offers a unique opportunity to advance your studies in the holistic Viniyoga tradition.

Sri Nathamuni, widely regarded as the first among the Srivaisava Acarya-s, lived in the ninth century AD, and is best known for his revival of the Drevide-vede-s, also known as the Nalayira-divya-prabandham. This revival formed a firm base on which later Acarya-s would establish the Sri Vaisnava-sampradaya and the Visistadvaita tradition. These Acarya-s included his own grandson Sri Yamunacarya and Bhagavad Ramanujacarya, who stoked the spark of light lit by Nathamuni into a radiant and strong tradition.

Nathamuni was also a master exponent of other Vedic philosophies including Nyaya and Yoga, on which he composed the texts Nyayatattva and Yogarahasya respectively. Literally meaning 'The Secrets of Yoga.' the Yogarahasya is a masterpiece offering deep insights into the use and applications of Yoga, especially in the domains of Yoga therapy and spirituality. It also reveals Nathamuni as a remarkable Yogi, who revolutionized many customs prevailing at his time. A prime example of this was his advocacy of Yoga for women, which was not at all common in the ninth century.

The Yogarahasya was meant to be taught to Sri Yamunacarya by Nathamuni's student Kurukaikavalappan. For unknown reasons this meeting did not take place and the text was lost for many centuries. However, by divine grace, one of Nathamuni’s direct descendants, Yogacarya T Krishnamacharya, revived this text through a powerful experience he had as a young man under a tamarind tree in Alvar-tirunagari. This same tamarind tree was the place where Sri Nathamuni had earlier revived the Nalayira-divya-prabandham.

The revival of this text brings to life the great Yoga teachings of Sri Nathamuni, and provides us with invaluable inform

KHYF Yoga Teacher Training | A participant speaks | Lesley Atkinson

A participant shares her experience of the comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training Program, offered in the authentic teaching tradition of Yogacarya T Krishnamac...