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Updated by Andrew Tuttle on Dec 28, 2013
Headline for Steampunk Games
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Steampunk Games

Role-playing and table top games with Steampunk themes.


G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. Compendium (LMW Works)

The G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. Compendium meets all your VSF and Pulp needs, from skirmish and role-playing to large battles and airship fleet actions. Victorian Science Fiction (VSF) gaming is set in the world in which the predictions and visions of men like Jules Verne, HG Wells, and H. Ryder Haggard are true.

The GameMaster's Guidebook to Victorian Adventure (Adamant Entertainment)

Adamant Entertainment is proud to present The Imperial Age , our line of Victorian/Steampunk products, made for use with d20 Modern or Past. The Game Master’s Guidebook to Victorian Adventure is designed to assist Game Masters in designing and running their own Victorian-era campaigns, using Imperial Age, d20 Past, or any other d20-based rules set.

MARS: The Roleplaying Game of Planetary Romance - d20 version (Adamant Entertainment)

Welcome to Mars! Not Mars as it is - airless, most likely lifeless, with only the faintest hints of what might have once been a damp, if not necessarily lush and living, world billions of years in the past.

Space: 1889 (Heliograph, Inc.)

Space: 1889(R) by Frank Chadwick Role-Playing In A More Civilized Time. Everything Jules Verne should have written. Everything H. G. Wells could have written. Everything A. Conan Doyle thought of, but never published because it was too fantastic. Everything you need for adventures of the century!

EABA Verne v1.0 (BTRC)

Men of steel in the age of steam. Victorian science fiction and steampunk for EABA. Battle dirigibles, Cavorite, steamtroops, dinosaurs, Martians, Selenites, mad scientists, clacking Babbage engines, the works. Verne starts off with the historical Victorian Era and then merges it with the fiction of Jules Verne, H.G.Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs and others to create a seamless alternate history that the adventurers get to shape and be part of.

Victoriana: 1867 Edition (Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.)

Once this was a world of Magic and Wonder, but that was the dark ages, and a time best forgotten by modern, rational minds. It is now the year 1867. It has been over three hundred years since the age of magic ended with the thirty-year war.

Abney Park's Airship Pirates (Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.)

It's 2150, and the Earth's starting to get over the Great Apocalypse of 1906. From the steampunk sky-cities of Isla Aether and High Tortuga, airship pirates ply the clouds, in search of excitement and booty, kept in check only by the might of the Imperial Air Navy.

In Her Majesty's Name: Steampunk Skirmish Wargaming Rules (Osprey Wargames)

It is 1895 and the world is in turmoil. In the decades to come, historians will reflect upon the cause of this state of affairs and many will point squarely at Charles Babbage. The perfection of first his Difference Engine, and then his Analytical Engine, gave the new scientific establishment in the Great Powers the tool they had so long needed in order to make a dramatic leap forward. The ability to make huge and repeatable sets of complex calculations revolutionized the world.

Wolsung: Steam Pulp Fantasy (Studio 2 Publishing)

Wolsung: Steam Pulp Fantasy is a roleplaying game of cinematic action set in the daring times of the Magical-Industrial Revolution. Welcome to the Fantastic 19th Century! Under a sky crowded with airships, steam-powered cars race the streets. The marriage of magic and science gave birth to mechanical golems, cabalistic thinking machines, and fearsome iron dragons.

Brass & Steel: A Game of Steampunk Adventure v1.5 (Pamean Games)

Brass & Steel is a hybrid live action/tabletop roleplaying game, with rules equally suited to both. It is an alternate 1905, where the mystically-fueled industrial revolution has produced amazing feats of technology and the sun never sets on the mighty British Empire. Clockwork marvels face off against against ancient sorcery.

Leagues of Adventure (Triple Ace Games)

Leagues of Adventure is a roleplaying game set in the late Victorian Age, a gritty steampunk game where the hostile natives are a serious threat, a pulp action game where the characters eat savage warriors for breakfast, a highly cinematic one which allows the characters to swing single-handedly from the underside of an early airship while bare-knuckle boxing pterodactyls over a lost plateau.

Stars of Empire (Terry Sofian)

Stars of Empire is a role playing game in which the Victorian Powers have discovered space flight and are striking out across the vast darkness of interplanetary space. As they explore frontiers on Earth, Luna, Mars and Venus, they encounter transplanted populations of humans, ancient and terrible alien races, and ferocious exotic beasts.

OGL Steampunk (Mongoose)

Imagine a world where computers were developed a century before their time, powered by levers and steam engines instead of microprocessors; a world where the zeppelin never went out of fashion and new technology made it safer and faster; where brave men and women explore a yet undiscovered world to find the wondrous ruins of lost civilisations; where the mysterious age of magic is slowly fading to usher in an age of cynical reason.