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Updated by SharpLight Technologies Inc. on Sep 01, 2023
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SharpLight Technologies Inc.

SharpLight designs, manufactures and sells state-of-the art products for the aesthetic industry. It supplies advanced technologies to companies that are in the practice of treating patients with various physical ailments. SharpLight products help with services listed below:

  • Hair removal Machine.
  • Wrinkle reduction.
  • Stretch marks.
  • Pigment lesions.
  • Vein removal.
  • Skin tightening Machine.
7 Common Laser Tattoo Removal Questions Beginners Ask – A Nation of Moms

We get tattoos for a variety of reasons. Some are personal preferences and others veer in the direction of peer influence. Regardless of the reason, there are times when we may regret the decision of getting a permanent tattoo on our skins. Luckily, with laser tattoo removal, it is easy than ever to modify the current state of your tattoo or get it completely removed. While people are often advised to schedule personalized consultation before erasing a tattoo, there are a few common questions that beginners ask regarding laser tattoo removal. 

Laser Removal Equipment is More Cutting Edge than Ever Before! - Optimistic Mommy

Laser removal equipment is not new.  Although introduced in the early 1990s as procedures for surgery, lasers became a favourite of cosmetic surgeons across the globe for the removal of all types of cosmetically bothersome bodily abnormalities.  Procedures now range from acne to scar and tattoo removal, with hair removal being the number one sought after procedure. Even lesions and wrinkles can now be removed quickly and rather painlessly using the newest laser removal equipment.  The word “laser” is an acronym for Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation. Controlled radiation is sent in pulses to affected areas and is either used for removal of acne, hair, and lesions, as well as tattoos, or to even smooth out wrinkles, giving an individual a much younger appearance.  The equipment is so well advanced now that downtime is almost non-existent, and the newest equipment has made procedures virtually painless.  

Hair Removal Devices: The Latest Trend In Med-Aesthetics

Hair Removal Devices: The Latest Trend In Med-Aesthetics

The Permanence of Tattoos, No More?

To further the clarification of this laser tattoo removal procedure, the argon laser goes forth destroying the tissue through the mode of heating; emitting a directed blue or green constant laser beam. The skin that is containing the tattoos pigment purposefully takes-up this focused light. Therefore, the destruction of the pigmented tissue follows.

Body Contouring Machines: Revolutionizing the Med Aesthetic Industry

Recent technological innovations in the med aesthetic industry have now made achieving the perfect body safer, more affordable, and increasingly easily accessible than ever. Industry leaders, such as Israeli-Canadian SharpLight continue to innovate and expand their already impressive line of body contouring machines and hair removal lasers. Body contouring machines can be found in all major Canadian and US cities, do not hesitate to contact a local provider today.

Everything You Need To Know About Laser Hair Removal - Wild About Beauty

Laser hair removal is a more lasting method of hair removal. This is essentially a completely harmless beam of light, which is converted into thermal energy and is selectively absorbed by the melanin of the hair follicle, resulting in the destruction of regenerative cells that produce hair growth. While traditional…

Body Contouring With Non-Invasive Treatment Options

The demand for cosmetic procedures is on the up and non-invasive body contouring is one of the most sought after treatments as people aspire for the perfect body.

Vascular Lesions – What They Are and How To Treat Them | 100% African Fashion

Vascular lesions are conditions that affect the human skin and tissues. Also known as birthmarks, these conditions are of three types: Pyogenic Granulomas,

A Comprehensive Guide To Laser Hair Removal - Woman Around Town

Constant waxing, tweezing, or shaving of the hair can be pain-staking for some individuals. Hence, some people prefer the easy way out, which is the use of laser hair removal procedure. This treatment is not as intimidating as it sounds, even though some people find it a bit scary. In simpler terms, a laser gadget releases energy that destroys the root of the hair follicles, preventing more hair from growing in that area.

Laser hair removal is the most effective technique for painlessly eliminating hair gradually and almost permanently in both women and men. This technique

Skin Rejuvenation Treatment Technology

Skin rejuvenation involves using treatments, moisturizers, procedures, and products to restore the skin to its elasticity and make it look better.

Why Laser Body Contouring is the Way to Go

If losing weight has been a goal and it has been achieved, then one has seen the results that your body is left with. After cutting out a significant amount of fat from the body, the body is left in a not so desirable state. One can have saggy skin, stretch marks, and uncomfortable pockets of fat. What can be done to correct these imperfections and get your body looking precisely the way its desired?

Fractional Resurfacing: Restoring Skin with Sharp Light.

Fractional Resurfacing: Restoring Skin with Sharp Light. Skin care is one of the most important aspects of preserving one’s appearance.

SharpLight Latest Equipment Providing the Safest Tattoo Removal - Toronto Times

Carving tattoos on the body is not new. Humans have always been fascinated by it throughout history. From the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans to

Non-Invasive Vein Removal Technology - The Seeker Newspaper Cornwall

Lengthy clothes look good on some days. When they become so frequent that you really can’t remember when the last anyone saw your legs, it becomes a reason to raise an eyebrow.

Many people suffer from cellulite on their bodies. It can get quite embarrassing when wearing shorts or a skirt and people can see your cellulite.

The developments of laser hair removal have seen new products in the market, with considerations being made to ensure new and innovative designs are incorporated in the industry.

All You Need To Know About Laser Stretch Mark Removal

The appearance of stretch marks can make one feel conscious about their appearance. The use of the laser to remove stretch marks, however, is one of the best and surest ways of having clear and smooth skin.

Pulsed Light Treatment of Vascular Lesions - Stephi LaReine

The human body is rife with many types of skin irregularities, some of which are mild and inconspicuous, while others are more complex and severe. Birthmarks, also known as vascular lesions in medical terms, are a typical anomaly that people encounter. The condition is caused by a skin or tissue anomaly that, in most cases, has no medical consequences.

What's new in wrinkle reduction Med-Aesthetic Technologies -

The pandemic might have slowed people down a little, but it didn’t discourage them from wanting to look their best. There has been an increase in the desire for cosmetic procedures since the beginning of the pandemic.

Making Unsightly Stretch Marks A Thing Of The Past

Stretch marks may have been deemed a badge of honor in the age of body positivity. Still, like it or not, they are unsightly, and most women would do whatever it took to make them disappear. Thankfully we live in an age of technology and advancement. Because of that, stretch mark treatments are a viable option for getting rid of the frustrating scars.

VermaDerm Technologies for A Variety Of Aesthetic Treatments - Cliché Magazine

Why you should use VermaDerm technologies for a variety of aesthetic treatments. Aesthetic treatments are becoming more diverse with considerations on new and innovative methods every day.

Trending Minimally Invasive Procedures and Medical Aesthetic Equipment They Use

Minimally invasive or nonsurgical medical aesthetic treatments are a major trend this summer because, of course, who doesn’t want to look their best.

Medical Aesthetics Equipments

Cosmetic medicine has grown tremendously over the past few decades resulting in the development of equipments designed specifically to attend to patient’s cosmetic and aesthetic needs.