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Updated by isabel-stinson96 on Apr 16, 2020
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Realtime Strategy Games

It doesn’t matter if it’s car thieves and gunmen, cowboys and aliens, or knights and dragons when people think of video games, they think of real-time strategy games. That gets us ready to start game developing each stage and step that your characters will play.
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realtime strategy games

realtime strategy games

Turn-based Strategy Games

Turn-based Strategy Games

Google Play Store is inundated with strategy games. But not every user finds games that include a real environment and pleasant interaction. Fortunately, we have good news for you! Instead of spending time determining which strategy game is best, just read our blog for a complete analysis. This will give you options for some exciting turn-based strategy games.
Have you ever heard about turn-based strategy games? If not, then let’s explain. Generally, there are two types of strategy games: turn-based strategy games and real-time strategy games. Admittedly, the critical difference exists between these two types of strategy games. While real-time strategy games allow players to play at the same time, it is impossible in these kinds of games. It is because these games allow players to play only in their turns. It means that a player has to wait for his or her turn while another player is playing.
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Unity Game Development

Unity Game Development

With over 34% of the highest free mobile games developed with Unity, it's perhaps the most straightforward game development engine within the market. Unity touches 770 million gamers across the world through games developed using the generator. With an upscale and extensible editor having a number of the most straightforward art and style tools, Unity boasts of unmatched engine performance. Unity Asset Store has everything you would possibly need in your game so that you'll develop your game in no time. Games made on Unity run on over 25 platforms!
Stallion gaming is one of the most straightforward Unity game development company. We create stunning 2D and 3D games that might get you hooked on to them for hours. Experience mobile gaming like never before with the games that we develop. Our team of ace game developers has par-excellence proficiency in developing mobile games on Unity 3d.
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Iphone Game Development

Iphone Game Development

According to a recent report from the market intelligence firm, the mobile games market has reached USD 137.9 and can account for nearly $70 billion by the top of 2018. It's a smaller share of the mobile game market, iOS games are generally less likely to be fake. Most iOS apps are great at quality and style and are preferred over games built for other platforms, thanks to this very factor. Gaming on iOS is supported by the good processors iPhones and iPads accompany. Moreover, AR games run tons better on iOS devices since their camera is way superior to other devices.
Stallion gaming may be a top iOS game development company that creates games that have the facility to understand the eye of users for an extended time. We offer the highest level of iphone game development services within the industry.
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Real Time Strategy Games for Android

Real Time Strategy Games for Android

The strategy is among the oldest game types in human history. Whether it’s chess, board games, or maybe some card games, we’ve been playing strategy games since long before there was ever a computer. Strategy games have come an extended way, but the essential premise of using your brain to beat your opponents remains true even to the present day. It’s an incredible thanks to testing yourself to ascertain how creative you'll be.
Real Time Strategy games or RTS are quite popular among PC users. Unfortunately, not all folks have gotten the time and, therefore, the opportunity to be with our dear computers day and night. There's an answer, though! Now, you can play almost any of your favourite real time strategy games for Android phone without having to be a reception or suffering through other inconveniences. Check the list below to understand what games you've got on hand!
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Tactical Role-Playing Game

Tactical Role-Playing Game

When it comes to a tactical role-playing game (TRPG), history is rich with great titles. Most players remember TRPGs as strategy platforms that were mostly famous with PC players. Over the years, the trend might have died down due to the lack of new releases. But with the release of the Disgaea 1 title for the Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the idea of a TRPG is back on everyone's mind.
Usually, the point of a video game is to satisfy and entertain the player. But there are a set of games that can make the player feel both like a dummy and genius at certain times. If you have ever played a tactical role-playing game, you would know what the reference is to. Every action you take can be the difference between you achieving victory and your character's death. This aspect is one of the main reasons why players have been thrilled by tactical role-playing games for decades. The point of this article is to take a trip down memory lane, and take a look at some of the most excellent examples of a TRPG.
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HTML5 Game Development

HTML5 Game Development

Technology has made vast inroads into various fields, including the online gaming industry. There are numerous casino slots online that have gained significantly with the intervention of technology. However, with the focus on newer generation tech, it’s sometimes easy to forget the hands behind this burgeoning change. Game developers have, by and large, remained invisible in an industry that screams (demands) change. The tools that game developers use in their arsenal have required considerable upgrades (latest iterations and programming languages). The use of different programming languages to make games entertaining and fun is the need of the hour for developers and producers alike. HTML5 game development requires a unique skill set and a keen understanding of this programming language and tools based on the type of games. One of the tools which are in use quite extensively is HTML5, and this article aims to cover HTML5 game development.
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Mobile Game Design

Mobile Game Design

In the past, it was only possible to play relatively sophisticated games on computers or dedicated console devices. However, nowadays, mobile game design is the most popular field of industry among game developers. The creation of mobile games makes it accessible to individuals to play their favourite games wherever they want.
Video games have the power to take us out of the real world and throw it into this virtual environment. It helps us create an imaginary world where we can use our special superpowers. However, creating such an advanced virtual world can be challenging even for experienced game developers. Every group of consumers has different tastes and desires. While creating games, there are certain factors that game programmers should take into account, and that’s what we are going to discuss today.
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Open Source Game Engine

Open Source Game Engine

Rapid growth in technology has greatly benefited the video game industry. The first video games to come out were nothing more than dots on a screen. But now games have become an integral part of our lives. Many people have also started to become interested in developing their games. Open source game engine technology allows the user to let their imagination run wild and put together their wildest fantasies. Since the open-source game engine market is vast, there are a lot of options to choose from. This article allows the reader to get some information on available game engines, and what to look for when using them. So without further ado, here are some open source game engine software you should check out!
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Real-time Strategy

Real-time Strategy

One common misconception among amateur RTS game players is that the games are hard to play. This is just not the case; they are just challenging and require the use of logic and improve gameplay strategies. In the beginning, every new player goes on live streams, and watches experienced players to learn the so-called "how-to" s of the games. Amateur players memorize popular builds so that they can apply them later on. It is hard for inexperienced players to craft winning strategies without the supervision of experienced players.
While you play RTS games, your self-analysis skills can improve because you need to see why and how you lose or win the game so that next time, you would make adjustments. Self-analysis is the key to long term success in RTS games and generally life itself. Most of the Real-time strategy games allow players to save replays of the games and watch it later.
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Unity Mobile Development

Unity Mobile Development

Everything starts with your imagination. Share with us your drawings, visions, and more. The scale of your game is up to you. A one-player VR game? A MMO with thousands of players at once? Stallion Gaming & Unity game development company can handle it all.
Our Unity mobile development team will turn your vision into digital reality. With some of the finest graphic designers in the industry, we’ll turn your images into characters.
Our Unity game designs will add motion and action. Whether it’s a role-playing game with elves and orcs, a first-person shooter reality-based game, or a surreal avant-garde game that breaks all the rules, our best game developers team will take it from your mind to devices all over the world.
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Video Game Graphic Designer

Video Game Graphic Designer

Over the years, people's expectations of video game graphics have considerably changed. In the past, the graphics of video games were in moderate quality, and it had been a standard for some time right before the gaming industry has become more competitive than ever. Nowadays, every video game graphic designer carries a burden of creating outstanding visuals to compete in the market. But what makes it all possible, apart from the creativity of video game graphic designers? The answer is a sophisticated design tool. That's right; it's all thanks to the cutting edge graphics programs which allow designers to bring their ideas into life.
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