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Updated by longislandhub on Dec 04, 2019
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Top 5 List of US Presidents

This is the Top 5 List of US Presidents. This is based upon looking back in history and measuring the significance of the US President's role during their term. Also taking a look at how These List of US Presidents changed our world to this very day!

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George Washington comes in at number 1 for more reasons than being our 1st US President and also being on the 1 Dollar Bill. Our 1st American President before given his title was essential into the creation of the United States of America. Without his heroism and leadership we may still be paying taxes to the British! Many people don't know this but he had many Spies during the time of the American Revolution. If you know your US History, we started with 13 Colonies on our East Coast from North to South. Much of his battles took place around Long Island New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. George was one of the 56 Founding Fathers and knew by declaring independence from Great Britain could of meant a painful death. With the possibilities well known he chose liberty!

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Theodore Roosevelt was the first US President to elected in the 20th Century. With 25 predecessors he was the 26th US President. Another fact about Teddy Roosevelt is that he was the youngest and is still indeed today the youngest President we ever had! Many think JFK was but it was the self proclaimed Bull Moose! He was clearly one of the greatest American Presidents and world leaders ever. 18 years after his term was up and four more President's later he was still regarded as the man in the arena. So much so that he was 1 of the 4 Presidents featured on the Mount Rushmore National Memorial.


Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was our 16th President. In his day he was the most controversial but today he is regarded as one of our greatest Presidents ever. Not only is he also 1 of the 4 President featured on Mount Rushmore and he even receive his own Monument in Washington D.C. The Lincoln Memorial is a massive structure featuring a 99 foot version of Abraham Lincoln. He deserves the honor because he gave his life for this country. As many millions others have with their Patriotism. He went against the status quo and abolished slavery which lead to his assassination and The American Civil War.


John F Kennedy

John F Kennedy

John F Kennedy or JFK for many this may seen as the most debating President on this list. This is because there are many people still alive today that have watched him rise in politics, his term as President, to his shocking assassination. The reason why JFK makes our list is because unlike our Politicians of today he projected values that we no longer hear anymore. He famously said in his inaugural address " “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country." In world of today were more and more people feel entitled to what many of our Patriots died for think they should get it free without question. JFK is and will be America's most fascinating and admired Presidents for a very long time!


Ulysses S Grant

Ulysses S Grant

Many who read this may not even know who Ulysses S Grant is or which number President he was. This is shocking because his face is on all of our $50 Dollar Bills! Ulysses S Grant was the 18th President of our United States. Unlike many Presidents and politicians of today Grant actually served his country in the Civil War.