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Updated by SRC Health on Jan 09, 2022
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4th Trimester: 17 Most Popular Items Chosen by New Mums to Speed Up Postpartum Recovery

Nursing your injuries while nursing your baby. We will focus on bringing you what we believe is detailed, tried and tested list of things that can speed up your recovery during the 4th trimester and make life easier, regardless of whether you deliver vaginally or via a c-section.

13 Highly Effective Products to Relieve Postpartum Depression in the 4th Trimester | elephant journal

Pregnancy is one of those beautiful experiences which change your life for the better. Your body also needs to be taken care of irrespective of vaginal birth or a c-section. After all, the health of your child ultimately depends on how healthy you are. To make things a bit easier for you, here we have listed a few of the things which help you feel better and recover faster during the 4th trimester. While you are happy about becoming a mother and busy caring for your sweet child, don’t forget that your body has endured much during the childbirth.

Why do you Need Maternity Gym Tights - Every Day Blogs

As your body grows, you need to stop relying on your old clothes and buy new ones to suit your requirements. Maternity gym tights are leggings that are specially designed to support your lower back, pelvic region and adjoining muscles and ligaments during exercise. They come in a wide range of fabric options, sizes, and styles to ease the pain and stress on your lower back.

SRC Pregnancy Recovery Shorts | SRC Health

SRC shorts are MEDICAL grade compression- i.e. They are designed to provide the right amount of compression to promote tissue healing. They come up to the bra line which supports and draws together the ENTIRE abdominal wall- this is how they assist with closing the separation.

SRC shorts are specifically designed to close abdominal muscle separation and provide support to the pelvis- and that’s what they do.

SRC Recovery Shorts are a medically designed garment that must not be tight. SRC Recovery Shorts provide the “sense” of where the body is by compressing the muscles around the trunk and pelvic girdle which creates a better connection with the brain. In this way it becomes easier to “feel” the muscles contract and this in turn facilitates more contractions which provide better support for the abdomen, lower back and pelvis- essential in post-partum.

➡️ Check out the SRC Recovery Shorts and Leggings here :

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Lotus Hands-free Pumping Bra – SRC Health

The hands-free pumping bra for the on-the-go, multi-tasking nursing mama who likes to stay active and comfortable all day long. The perfect bra for busy multi-tasking mamas. With its pull aside cups for easy nursing and hands-free pumping, Lotus is as versatile as it is supportive. Perfect for yoga, pilates or any low-medium form of exercise, lounging around the house

ABCTV1 The New Inventors SRC Recovery Shorts

SRC Recovery Shorts shown on the popular ABC Television show "The New Inventors" that features inventors from all over the world and their inventions. Sinead O' Donovan appears on the show with invention #3, Post Pregnancy Recovery Shorts. These shorts are specifically designed with unique panels that provide support and compression to cesarean wounds, upper and lower abdominal muscles and stitches to the perineum.

SRC Activate - Youth Legging – SRC Health

Protection, Prevention and Performance during and after activity with SRC Activate. Protection of your pelvic, core and leg muscles during and after activity is vital to injury prevention so that you can perform at your best. SRC Activate Youth Leggings offer Specialised fabric construction technology provides maximum

SRC Activate Youth Short – SRC Health

You can trust SRC Sports Leggings to provide general support and muscle activation during your busy day and when engaging in activities such as walking, jogging, pilates, weight routines, cycling, tennis etc. The graduated gentle compression provides continuous support to your muscles because of the patented SRC Anatomical Support Panels (ASP) and fabric construction technology. SRC compression garments enable and stimulate muscles for enhanced performance, injury prevention and muscle recovery.

Preparing for A C-Section Delivery | SRC Health

A C-section is a surgical procedure for the delivery of the child, so extra preparation for after surgery can be helpful. The SRC Recovery Shorts may make it easier for the new mom to recover quickly. Should you have any queries or wish to contact our customer services department please submit your query by email.

Cheeky and Useful Cheeky and Useful Mum Advice – SRC Health

Some first time mothers just have the ‘know how’ and being a mother to them comes naturally. For many though, it’s a hard slog, and arduous road testing your patience, ears, beloved sleep, choices and how to care for this little dependent being. Can someone hand me a manual, please? A mother’s intuition is the best platform to raising a baby. Let the well-meaning and well-intended advice you receive be sifted and filtered to suit your needs and your baby.

Setting the weight record straight – SRC Health

The rate of weight gain begins at a much slower pace in the first trimester. Fat stores are gained predominantly between the 10th and 30th week of pregnancy and provide an energy reserve when growth demands are greater in the last part of pregnancy. A third of weight gain should occur in the second trimester, and two-thirds in the third trimester.

Recovery Shorts the New Age Recovery | SRC Health

Busting the myths around a C-section delivery, an absolutely safe surgical procedure to protect the mother and her unborn child. SRC Recovery shots are designed to assist with C-section, Abdominal Muscle Separation, Back Pain and Stiches.

Easy to Buy SRC Pregnancy Products Online for New Mums – SRC Health

Our products are recommended by many mothers. SRC Health products are one of the best pregnancy leggings in the market today according to several websites and bloggers. Expectant and new mothers have and continue to give their seal of approval for these products, which include compression shorts and support leggings as well as essential items like shirts and cardigans.

13 Highly Effective Products To Relieve Postpartum Depression In The 4th Trimester

Looking after your body in the right way can help alleviate postpartum depression to a great extent. Most health columns and social influencers do not talk about the less glamorous part of pregnancy. It is the process of dealing with postpartum depression. To make things a bit easier for you, here we have listed a few of the things which help you feel better and recover faster during the 4th trimester.

End the DRAMa Mama! – SRC Health

The effects of DRAM or Abdominal Muscle Separation when left untreated may be serious and we aim to make as many women aware of these as we can. This may be a factor in persistent post-natal lumbar, pubic symphysis and sacroiliac joint pain and even incontinence due to the interaction of the pelvic floor and abdominal musculature. Let’s discuss the postpartum side effect that you need to know and deal with.

C-Section Recovery- an easier way to get mobile sooner! – SRC Health

As many of you are only too aware, a C-section or caesarean is major abdominal surgery. Recovering from a C-section will be a little different for every woman. Elective v Emergency C-section will also make a difference as you may have gone through a difficult labour leading up to operation. To support your wound and surrounding muscles SRC Recovery Shorts will increase muscle support and allow you to be more mobile sooner, subsequently reducing the risk of DVT.

Chezzie MTTV SRC Sketch - SRC Recovery Shorts

SRC Pregnancy Recovery Shorts are specifically designed with unique panels that provide support and compression to cesarean wounds, upper and lower abdominal muscles and stitches to the perineum.

6 Things Nobody Tells You About Pregnancy

Pregnancy is not an easy phase of any woman’s life and may include unanticipated challenges. Also, when you are pregnant, you might be showered with a surplus of pregnancy advice. You can rely on clothes such as pregnancy leggings that fit you right for all occasions. They are specially designed to help expectant mothers to function normally and provide support to their lower back and pelvic floor muscles.

Dos and Don’ts of Speedy C-Section Recovery - Every Day Blogs

As c-section is major surgery, your body will need time to heal. Your doctor would generally advise maximum bed rest immediately following the surgery. Until you recover, strenuous physical activities must be avoided. This guidelines might help you have a speedy caesarean recovery under normal circumstances.

Abdominal Muscle Separation - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Necessary details that you must know about abdominal muscle separation, symptoms, causes and treatment. Women are unaware of this conditions. You are just in the right place if you are looking for more information. This article includes all the necessary details that you must know about abdominal muscle separation. Let’s get started!

5 Things That Keep You In Good Shape During Pregnancy - Beauty Around The Corner

Today, we are going to let you know about some simple things that can help you be healthy during and even after your pregnancy. While you exercise, wearing maternity gym tights can help provide the necessary support to your growing belly and lower back. They are not the fancy tips that will make you buy more maternity products from the stores than you already have. These are some easy-to-follow lifestyle choices that improve your health during pregnancy.

5 Things You Must Know About Episiotomy In Childbirth - Beauty Around The Corner

Episiotomy might be the scariest thing you have come across learning about. Many women experience the same feelings and are traumatised if and when they have to undergo it. An episiotomy recovery will take a while, but you will be good with proper care and guidance.

Dos and Don’ts of Speedy C-Section Recovery - Every Day Blogs

During caesarean recovery, you may ask your doctor about hygiene products and compression garments that can ease up the process for you. Do not suffer alone and consult your doctor when things feel overwhelming. The health and wellbeing of your baby greatly depend on you. Happy recovery!

Why Didn't Anyone Tell You About Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Beauty Around The Corner

Are you experiencing an uneasy heaviness in your vagina, some level of urine leakage, or extreme pain down there and are conscious about sharing this with anyone? These are the symptoms indicating a possibility of pelvic organ prolapse. It is the condition where your pelvic floor muscles become too weak to hold your pelvic floor organs such as bladder, uterus, etc.

Haakaa Silicone Milk Collector - 2 pack – SRC Health

Pop the Haakaa Silicone Milk Collector inside your bra to collect let-down throughout the day and save every precious drop of your liquid gold! The discreet, one-piece design attaches securely to your breast and collects any breast milk that would otherwise be lost in a nursing pad. It is completely portable and has small feet on the bottom that lets the Milk Collector stand upright on flat surfaces to prevent any spills after use.

Maternity Support Belts: To Be, Or Not to Be - Beauty Around The Corner

The use of maternity support belts is ever on the rise. Many women seek support and comfort from these belts and often succeed to find it too. Maternity support belts have many advantages including helping to decrease pain, maintain good posture, exercise better, and even providing postpartum support. Many women struggle to decide whether to use maternity support belts or not. To address this dilemma, we have prepared a list of all pros and cons of using these belts and suggested alternatives. Go on now. Read on and address your question of to be, or not to be!