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Updated by Juan Force on Aug 10, 2020
Juan Force Juan Force
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Blog on Website Design and Web Development | Verz Design

Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy reading because Verz Design has collected some of the best web design and web development blog articles for you.


10 Tips to Drive Traffic to Your eCommerce Website | Verz Design

To help you drive your e-commerce website out of invisibility, we have gathered 10 tips below that are sure to help you maximise the use of SEO in marketing your brand online.

How to Design Your eCommerce Website’s Search Function | Verz Design

Whether your eCommerce website be big or small, it’s important to have a search function that provides a satisfying search experience for users, just as how it should be easy to find a product inside a physical store. In this article, we point out the 5 best practices in creating a good eCommerce site search experience.

Why You Should Use Magento 2 for Your eCommerce Website | Verz Design

Magento 2 has successfully delivered an improved experience for both website owners and online shoppers alike — exactly what you would expect when other eCommerce platforms have already made a name for themselves in the market. This article explains why you should choose to migrate to Magento 2 for your eCommerce website.

5 Tips for Writing Strong Call-to-Actions on Your Website | Verz Design

A Call-to-Action or CTA is a one-liner text that persuades potential customers to explore your website and see what your business has to offer. In this article, discussed 5 tips in writing a strong CTA that can get your customers to click without any more second guesses!

7 Useful Things You Should Consider Putting on Your Website | Verz Design

In this article, we discuss the things you probably didn’t know are beneficial to your website’s success. They might sound ordinary at first glance, but with a smart and creative vision, they’ll be the key to having a functional and helpful website.

How to Choose the Right Images for Your Website | Verz Design

it’s vital for a business to find and choose stock photos that uphold their brand identity by first understanding what your brand is. Let’s dive in the five simple yet effective tips on how to choose stock images for your website.

Top 3 Problems Faced by Web Design Clients in Singapore | Verz Design

The top 3 problems faced by clients and how Verz Design has used these problems to learn and improve the overall process to support our clients even better than before.

Must-Have Features in Building Your E-commerce Website | Verz Design

To help you achieve a successful e-commerce website, you must take note of these following features to make your business stand strong in the face of tough competition.

How to Protect Your Magento Website Against Hackers | Verz Design

Protect your Magento website against hackers, attacks, and abuse by employing proven eCommerce security practices. Read this article to know more!

5 Problems with Themes on Your WordPress Website | Verz Design

You may think that using WordPress themes are helpful, but in reality, they are home to problems that arise only a little later. Read this article for more!

How to Prevent Pay-Per-Click Fraud on Your Website Advertising | Verz Design

This article discusses the key indicators as well as the harmful effects of pay-per-click fraud on your website and online advertising campaigns.

5 Tips in Creating Effective Blog Titles | Verz Design

People judge blogs by their titles like how they judge books by their covers. In this article, we give you 5 key tips on how to write effective blog titles.

12 Ways National Services Prepared Us for Web Development | Verz Design

We reflect on our time in National Service and learn that more aside from exercises and parades, it also prepared us for Web Development.

Web Design Services in Singapore: Terms You Need to Know | Verz Design

In this article, we explain the various terminologies you'll be exposed to when you look for web design and web development services in Singapore.

7 Types Website Writing Practices | Verz Design - Web Design Singapore

Discover the seven types of website writing practices, what makes them different from one another, and why they are important for your online success.

Understanding Google’s Redesigned Mobile Search Results Format | Verz Design

Google has just rolled out a new look for its mobile search results pages. The new design puts the emphasis on brands by displaying the website’s favicon or logo alongside its name and URL. Know more about it in this article!

Web Design Pricing in Singapore: What You Need to Know | Verz Design

This is a simple and quick guide to the price of web design services in Singapore.

Top 10 Important Features You Need in Your Website | Verz Design

Your business needs to invest in important website features if you want to build a strong online presence for your customers. Click here to know more!

Why is UX Design Important? | Verz Design

User Experience (UX) is what a person feels when using a digital product. Invest in great UX Design to achieve the best results with your prospects!

A Simple Guide to Remarketing for Businesses | Verz Design

Remarketing is a digital marketing approach that reconnects brands to previous visitors of their website. Learn more about it by reading this article!

7 Qualities of a Good Web Design Sales Consultant | Verz Design

Engaging a good web design sales consultant is the bridge to working with a great web design agency. Know if you’re collaborating with the right web design sales consultant and agency by reading this article.

Introducing Gotafflair - Web Design Services in Manila | Verz Design

Gotafflair is Verz Design Singapore's subsidiary web design agency branch in Manila, Philippines that provides end-to-end web development solutions.

5 Elements of a Powerful Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) | Verz Design

In this article, we discuss the benefits an Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) can bring to your business and the 5 elements of a successful EDM.

3 Most Popular Open Source Content Management Systems | Verz Design

Here's an overview of the top 3 most popular open source Content Management Systems and the requirements to look out for in choosing a CMS software.

5 Reasons Why Blogging is Now A Must-Have For Your Website | Verz Design

Marketers know why blogging is effective and it's time you should as well. Here, we discuss the 5 reasons why blogging is a must-have for your website.