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Updated by Rakhi Lamba on Oct 22, 2020
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Vastu Living Vastu Expert Mumbai

enter link description hereVastu Shastra Consultant Mumbai ,Vastu Expert Consultancy service for Homes Offices Factories , Restaurants In Mumbai and All over India .
We Provide Simple Vastu Solutions to All Your Vastu Problems .Providing Vastu Services for the Past 18 Years to Individuals and Corporates all Over India . We Also Provide honest, genuine, professional Online Vastu Guidance to Clients All over the World


Vastu Expert in Mumbai .

Vastu Expert in Mumbai .

Vastu Expert in Mumbai .

Mumbais Best Vastu Expert " Vastu Living " Offers Excellent Vastu Remedial Guidance .

If you have any Vastu Defects in the building , Offices or factories You can make use of these Vastu pyramids , Vastu Crystals , Vastu Yantras to Nullify the Defects .

Crystal Vastu pyramids acts as a power promoter and gives fast and perfect results.
If Your house facing hospital, Cemetery, staircase, flyover use Copper Swastika on the main door to avoid negative energy .
If your factory is in located on an irregular Plot or Land , This will affect your profits Thus these Vastu Defects can be Rectified by Placing Copper Pyramid of on the walls of the four corners of the factory plot.

FOR BEST Remedial Vastu Guidance OF Homes , Apartments , Factories , SHOPS , RESTAURANTS AND ANY INDUSTRIAL UNIT .
You Can call on 9082854461 & Fix an Appointment.

Vastu Living Vastu Expert Consultant - 9082854461

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Vastu Tips for Main Door.

1) The main entrance Door should be larger than all other doors in the house.
2) The height of the main door should be double its width.
3) A main door slanting inside or Outside is bad for the head of the family .
4) The doors must not open outwards. They Should Always Open Inside .
5) A staircase opposite the main door is best avoided.
6) Steps Going Down opposite the main door are Not Good.
7) The Main Door Should Not have Black Color.

#vastutips #vastumaindoor

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Vastu Expert Consultant in Mumbai - 9082854461





Depression is generally considered a state of Mind stuck in the past or in a negative mode. The flow of natural energies from the environment to the persons Mind gets disturbed. Thus the Person does not feel active and consciousness gets stuck into a depressive Mood and loses his ability to enjoy life and be happy.

 DOOR / ENTRANCE – The Entrance / Doorway of the Homes Should never be Dark , It Should always be Illuminated with bright Light to attract Positivity . Dark or Un illuminated Doorways or Entrances bring in loneliness in life to the inhabitants of the house.
 Photographs – Never Place Dark or Shady Photographs in the House or Bedroom. One Should Always Avoid Abstract painting and pictures with no evident & meaning create confusion and stress in mind . Pictures depicting war, grief and loneliness should not be hanged on walls. Photos of wild animal animals should be definitely avoided similar to that relating to tigers, Lions or bears etc, Pictures depicting anger create disturbance and mood of discontentment should not be incorporated on walls. AS PER VASTU SHASTRA ITS BEST TO have actual symbols of Swastik, Om, images involving Gods like Krishna, Ganesh are Extremely Auscipious and Bring in Harmony


Vastu Expert Mumbai - 9082854461


Vastu Shastra Tips the east direction

Vastu Shastra Tips the east direction

Important Vastu Shastra Tips the east direction. PART 2

o There Should Always Be Some empty space in the East direction ,
o The East Direction Gives Opportunities and a Health progeny. There should be more empty space in east than in west.
o There should be a Slope towards the East Direction for Better Opportunities and Growth.
o A toilet in East is Very Bad as It can Give health problems to Persons Living in that Place.
o Any Dustbin , Junk Area or any Kind of Dumping Here Can Give Loss of Opportunities and Loss of Health This Area Should be Neat and Clean at All Times .
o A Tulsi Plant is Highly Recommended Here.

o Windows of the House in the East Enhance the Positive Energy for the People Living Here .

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The East Direction as Per Vastu Shastra

The East Direction as Per Vastu Shastra

The East Direction as Per Vastu Shastra

The East Direction as Per Vastu Shastra - East direction has huge significance in our life because this is ruled by Sun god who is the essence of life and illuminates the world by shining bright. East is a Very auspicious Direction as Per Vaastu Shastra . This direction gives Opportunities, enthusiasm, Optimism and inspiration for Growth. East ais considered as the most significant. Therefore East Direction should ideally be left open with more space for sunlight and Vastu suggests having entrance door in East .

East is the Direction of Lord Indra - The Planet Governing this Direction is SUN. Favorable Color is RED.

#vastu #eastdirection

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The North Direction in Vastu Shastra. PART 1

The North Direction in Vastu Shastra. PART 1

The North Direction in Vastu Shastra. PART 1

In Vastu Shastra , The north direction is considered very auspicious. This direction is attributed to the water elements. Flowing water / Water Fountain / Planets in Water / Fish Tank in this direction gives prosperity. According to the principles of vaastu a house should face north or a shop facing north will attract wealth. In general this direction brings prosperity and progress .

Lord Kubera the Lord of Wealth and Riches is the Deity of this Direction . This Direction is Governed by Planet Mercury and The Favourable Color of this Direction is GREEN .

#northVastu #VastuShastra

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Vastu Consultant Mumbai - 9082854461





The Sri Yantra - is one of the the most powerful and sacred symbol used in India since hundreds of years. “Sri” – means Wealth and “Yantra” Means Instrument., Thus Sri yantra Can also be termed as the instrument to Attract Wealth .

Sri Yantra is known to usher in great amount of positive Energy , prosperity and good luck. In the past our Kings and moguls were fully aware of the miraculous power of the Shree yantra and they used it to its optimum potential , Thus in the olden days India was considered as a Golden Pigeon because of the Tremendous amount of prosperity it Enjoyed.


Sri yantas Come in 2 Dimensional and 3 Dimensional types .
“Sri-Yantra” is also considered as a Yantra of Goddess Laxmi. The Godess of fortune , Thus it is also said that Fortune Shines on the person worshiping the “Sri-Yantra”.
Flat or 2-Dimensional “Sri-Mantra’s are Most Auspicious in Copper Metal because Copper is Powerful conductor of Energy thus they give the best Results in Copper.

3-Dimensional “Sri-Yantra”‘s are Best when they are in Quartz Crystals, because Crystals are Natural products and have inbuilt energy and positive vibrations are Enhanced and the results are fast and better.

For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories
Vastu Expert in Mumbai - 9082854461





 Pyramids are effectively used to remove negative energy blocks and can be placed effectively in the missing corners in a home or office.
 Placing pyramids in all the 4 corners of your room can energize the room by providing good energy flow which helps to transform your life positively and helps creates coordination and removes personal conflicts.
 Having a pyramid on your office table can help remove negativity and channelize positive energy flow thus improving the ambience and providing growth and prosperity.
 Pyramids energize water therefore water kept under pyramid is positively charged and helps digestion and relief from stomach problems.
 Pyramids channelize positive energy flow, therefore meditating under a pyramid shape structure helps in meditation and concentration.
 Any food products kept under a pyramid helps to keep it fresh for a longer period of time.

For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories
Vastu Expert Consultant in Mumbai - 9082854461


Vastu Shastra Remedies Vastu Pyramids Vaastu Consultant Mumbai.

Vastu Shastra Remedies Vastu Pyramids Vaastu Consultant Mumbai.


Vastu Shastra Remedies Vastu Pyramids Vaastu Consultant Mumbai.


Vastu Solutions for Home will be effective for money flow, career growth, health of your family members, relationships and love life, child birth, family harmony, marriage and for the areas you are facing problems or Goals you wish to achieve.

Many vastu doshas can be corrected with the help of changes in the rooms, changing interiors / Colors & rearranging Items in the Room like cupboards tables . As mentioned in Vastu Shastra every vastu dosha has some remedy and if the Remedies are followed with guidance of a Vastu Expert this may bring peace & prosperity in the Home or Office or any other Property .

Various Solutions like Wind chimes , Crystals , Pyramids and Vastu Dosha Yantras are Also Used to Rectify Defects .


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Vastu Expert Consultant - 9082854461


Remedial Vastu Vastu Pyramids Vastu Expert Mumbai

Remedial Vastu Vastu Pyramids Vastu Expert Mumbai

Remedial Vastu Vastu Pyramids Vastu Expert Mumbai .

Pyramid is a combination of four triangles coming together with perfect dimensions & angles. This object has in built characteristic to absorb +ve universal energy. Vastu Pyramids always works in Positive manner & totally harmless.

If you have any Vastu Defects in the building , Offices or factories You can make use of these Vastu pyramids. You can place it underground or place the pyramid inside the walls which are yet to be constructed.

Crystal Vastu pyramids acts as a power promoter and gives fast and perfect results.
If Your house facing hospital, Cemetery, staircase, flyover use Copper Swastika on the main door to avoid negative energy .

If your factory is in located on an irregular Plot or Land , This will affect your profits Thus these Vastu Defects can be Rectified by Placing Copper Pyramid of on the walls of the four corners of the factory plot.


For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories
Vastu Expert Consultant - 9082854461

Vastu for Factory , Factory Vastu Tips By Vastu Shastra Expert Amit Lamba

> Vastu for Factory Tips By Vastu Shastra Expert Amit Lamba

• There Should be A garden in the North , North East Section of the Factory.
• Underground water Tank is Best Placed in the North-East of the Factory.
• Security guard should sit facing east or north only.
• The Staff Changing or Rest Room Should be in the North West Side of the Factory.
• The Kitchen or Canteen Should be in the South East Side of the Factory.
• All Finished Goods to be Placed in the North West , Never Place them in the South or South West .
• The Plot of the Factory Should always be Square or Rectangular for Better growth & Prosperiety.


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Understanding Vastu Shastra How Vastu Helps

Understanding Vastu Shastra How Vastu Helps

Understanding Vastu Shastra How Vastu Helps

An office building with a good vastu is believed to bring Growth Good Luck Prosperity and fortune to the Owners by increasing the efficiency of Persons working there.

Vaastu is an ancient Indian science that works on the principle of Panchbhootas, These Panchbhootas are the Five basic elements of the universe: Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space.
Vaastu is a science that attempts to achieve a synergy across all the five elements in such a way that the abode becomes favorable to its inhabitants.

In Indian Vastu Shastra is followed by many to improve the inflow of finances and for overall success of their offices and business. This is an ancient Indian planning principle, usually used in architecture and interior design. Vastu consultants recommend that the principles of Vastu be followed from the construction stage itself. But there are many office Vastu remedies that you can employ internally in your office design.

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Vastu Consultant Mumbai - 9082854461


Vastu Tips and Guidance for Purchasing Land

Vastu Tips and Guidance for Purchasing Land

Vastu Tips and Guidance for Purchasing Land

When purchasing a property, it is a good idea to stand on the land
and feel its vibration If you feel positive about it, consider buying the land. If not, it is probably not good for You .

Always Buy Land or Property from happy and successful people .

Avoid Buying Land or Property by a person in distress.

Its Best if The land should be cultivatable and should smell good.

Land that contains many rocks, anthills, and thorny trees should not be

The color of the soil should also be considered. White soil is good
for brahmans (priests, teachers, scientists, or intellectuals) , red for
ksatriyas (rulers, soldiers, or administrators) , yellow for vaisyas
(businessmen, farmers or bankers), and black for sudras (laborers,
artisans, craftsmen, or servants).

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Vastu Expert Mumbai - 9082854461


Shape of Land As Per Vastu Shastra

Shape of Land As Per Vastu Shastra

*Shape of Land As Per Vastu Shastra *

Its Always Advisable to Buy Property or Land which is either square or rectangular. Land extending on the northeast side is very good.
Extensions on any other side are inauspicious. Extensions of the northwest side will cause you to lose money and peace.

If the land is cut in the corner this is not good. If possible the land to
fill in the missing corner should be purchased. If the land is cut short on the northeast side it is very bad and is not aspicious; do not purchase it. It is like a headless body.

Round, oval, and triangular plots should be avoided.

It is good if the plot is narrower at the entrance and wider at its rear,
but the opposite is not good.

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Vastu Consultant Mumbai - 9082854461


Vastu for Types of Plants in the House .

Vastu for Types of Plants in the House .

Vastu for Types of Plants in the House .

If your house is facing south, then one of the vastu tips would be to plant a Spider plant Near the Entrance.

Plant a Money Plant in Water in a Glass Bowl in the North of Your House .

Plant Red / Orange Color FLower Plants in the East of Your House .

According to Hindu religion,Tulsi plant have it's special importance. It is worshiped in every house . It removes negativity from home with the splendor of the house. According to Vastu, it is auspicious to place the basil plant in the east direction of the house or in the north-east direction. It gives wealth benefits.

Bonsai plants should not be kept inside the house. They can harm the owner and his children.

Thorny plants like Cactus etc. should e avoided because they provide negative energy. Its Observed thats these Plants in the House can cause problems related to lungs and kidneys.


Clean the whole house with Haldi Powder at least once a week, and possibly on Saturday
Place a vessel filled with Gangajal in the northeast direction of the house.


For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories
Vastu Expert Consultant - 9082854461


Bedroom in the Northwest (Vayavya) Direction:

Bedroom in the Northwest (Vayavya) Direction:

Bedroom in the Northwest (Vayavya) Direction:

North West Bedroom is Supposed to be the best if guest’s bedroom is placed here.

It also is generally good for Unmarried Girls in the family. However,

If North West is Used by the Head of the Family its Bad for Him as It Can Create Friction Between Husband an Wife and Secondly
He Would Always have to Travel Unnecessarily and May Most of the Time be Away from Home due to Work.

Thus Head of the Family Here Cannot Enjoy Blissful and Happy Family Life Here .

This Room is Also Bad for Elders of the Family or Senior Citizens as They sleeping here would generally cause
mental agitation and irritation .

For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories
Vastu Expert Consultant Mumbai - 9082854461

#vastubedroom #vastuconsultantmumbai


Advantages of Kitchen in South East Direction .

Advantages of Kitchen in South East Direction .

Advantages of Kitchen in South East Direction .

The Most Important advantage of having the kitchen in the southeast direction is that it is open to the positive effects of morning sunrays and also gets fresh air most of the time.

Second Benefits is if You cook facing the the east while preparing the food , The Lady of the House will enjoy good health and will Cook in a Happy Mood Thus Its Obvious that The food cooked thereby would also be tasty and filled with subtle vigorous effects.

It is said that the ancient experts of Vastu Shastra were able to identify the direction in which the food was prepared by simply tasting it!

So You can Imagine that If the quality of cooking could so much depend upon the position of the kitchen, This could naturally have significant
impact on the health, mental development and hence the overall progress and life-status of the people who would eat the food everyday.

For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories in Mumbai
Vastu Expert Consultant - 9082854461

#vastukitchen #vastumumbai


Vastu Shastra Tips for Kitchen and Bedroom.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Kitchen and Bedroom.

Today We will on the some of the important Vastu Shastra Tips for Kitchen and Bedroom.

The Best Placement for the kitchen is on the south east Side of the House , Since As Per Vastu South East is Agni Kone .

Wife and husband most of the time spend together mostly in bedroom, while wife spends in kitchen.

Tips for Kitchen :

One Should Always Face towards east while cooking food.

Empty the trash / dust bin in the kitchen from time to time and keep it clean for sure at the end of the day or after cooking food .

Don’t leave the leftover Dirty plates OverNight .

Tips for Bedroom :

Must sleep with head towards south and feet facing north.

Metal Beds are Bad as Per the Rules of Vastu , Always Use a Wooden Bed.

On the double cot bed, don’t place 2 separate mattresses, instead use a single mattress for the Complete Bed.

No mirrors Allowed Opposite the Bed in the Bedroom , if you can’t remove them use a thick curtain to cover them when U Sleep .

Married Couple Should Never Use the North West Berdoon as It can Create Friction in Relationships .

Don’t use the bedroom during the day for any other purpose and don’t sit in the
bedroom for the entire day or do any daily activates in the bedroom

For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories in Mumbai
Vastu Expert Consultant - 9082854461

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Vastu Shastra Advice for Pet Animals

Vastu Shastra Advice for Pet Animals

Vastu Shastra Advice for Pet Animals

Since Ancient Times There has Been A unique bond between humans and animals . People have always loved connecting with animals, especially dogs and Cats . Our Pets make us feel loved, wanted and important. As Your enter your house, your Pets greet you lovingly,

Vaastu shastra Generally Suggests that the pet animals should not be kept inside the house. Pet Animals are Best Recomended in Open Spaces or in Their in shelters Near the main building .

As Per Vastu Shastra The Best Section to Keep Pert Animals is Close to the north-west corner of the House or the Building .

As Per Vastu Shastra Pigeons, parrots and eagles are strictly prohibited from being kept as Pets inside the House as They May
cause drainage of the positive energy.

Turtles are Best Recommended be kept in Turtle Tank the north direction as it is considered auspicious as per vastu Rules .
The North direction also Symbolises wealth and good luck and Turtles Also Symbolizes prosperity.

As Per Vastu Shastra , Fishes have been regarded Very Auspicious as They Are Supposed to Bring in a lot of prosperity in the house Especially Arawana Fish . Thus Gish Tank is Considered Very Auspicious if it is kept in the North-East direction of the Living Room.

For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories
Vastu Expert Consultant - 9082854461


Signs of Bad Vastu By Amit Lamba Best Vastu Consultant

Signs of Bad Vastu By Amit Lamba Best Vastu Consultant

Signs of Bad Vastu By Amit Lamba Best Vastu Consultant

In Vastu Shastra There are Many Set of Rules , Mentioned in the Ancient Texts Which Give Information about Vastu Defects of Bad Locations of the Property . Given Below are Some Some of the Negative Location of Property as Per VASTU SHASTRA.

1) The House or any Property should not be within twice the distance of the height of the house to a public place— a hospital, factory, temple, church, marriage hall, courthouse, cemetery, or cremation grounds.

2) The property’s gate should not face a temple or church, and the shadow of a temple or church should not fall on the house.

3) There Shoul be No Road on the South Side of the Property .

4) If the House or Land or Property is CUT in the Corners This is BAD VASTU , Such Property is Not Auscipious .

5) These Sould be No WELL or Under Ground Water Tank in the SOUTH / SOUTH EAST or SOUTH WEST of the Property .

6) These Should Not be any ELECTRIC POLE or a LARGE TREE Near the Entrance of the Property.


For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories . Vastu Expert Consultant - 9082854461

Vastu Remedies for Business Growth

Vastu Remedies for Business Growth

1) The North is the Direction of Lord Kuber and is the Direction for Wealth . The Planet Associated with North is Mercury Thus its Best Recommended to Dig a Small Hole in the North and Put Some EMERALD GEMSTONES Here to Strengthen the North Direction and For FInancial Growth .

2) Its Also Recomended to Put A Small WIndchime of 5 0r 6 Rods on the North Side Window.

3) A Small Water Feature Like a Water Fountain / or Small FIsh Tank is Highly Recomended in the North or North East of the Office .

4) The North East is the Direction of GURU or Planet Jupiter .. This is the Direcdtion of Overall Prosperiety / Blessing / Saving of Money Etc . Thus Its Best Recomended to Dig a Small Hole in the North - East and Put Some YELLOW CITRINE Gemstones Here to Strengthen Planet JUPITER and Increase of Blessings and Prosperity.

#vastuRemedies #emerald

For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories
Vastu Expert Consultant - 9082854461





As Per Vastu Shastra Brahmasthan is a principle center point of a building or geographical area. The brahmasthan is a special central zone in a building .Brahmasthan is believed to be the domain of the creator of the Universe, Lord Brahma and hence, is considered as the holiest and most powerful zone of the architecture.

As Per VASTU From Brahmasthan Positive energies/ vibes flow and reach across all the corners of the house or the building, which influence the earth energies present in the house.

In Olden Times We Find that the Center of the House or any Property has an Open Area and More Open Space . Many Times A Tulsi plant placed in the center of that open or free space ,

 BHRAMA - The Creator himself rules this space. Therefore this place is called the Brahama Sthan.
 Any construction or Weights is Banned here in the center.
 Center Portion of any plot, home or Office should be kept Empty. Otherwise any weights here lead to Instability in life.
 Energy Flows through the center to all the points of the plot , therefore this energy should not be disturbed.
 It is suggested to leave the area (center of the house) open from the top or remain under the open sky so that sunlight can reach the place and enhance the power of that spot.

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Mumbais BEst Vastu Expert Consultant - 9082854461





As Per Vastu Shastra Brahmasthan is a principle center point of a building or geographical area. The brahmasthan is a special central zone in a building .Brahmasthan is believed to be the domain of the creator of the Universe, Lord Brahma and hence, is considered as the holiest and most powerful zone of the architecture.

As Per VASTU From Brahmasthan Positive energies/ vibes flow and reach across all the corners of the house or the building, which influence the earth energies present in the house.

In Olden Times We Find that the Center of the House or any Property has an Open Area and More Open Space . Many Times A Tulsi plant placed in the center of that open or free space ,

 BHRAMA - The Creator himself rules this space. Therefore this place is called the Brahama Sthan.
 Any construction or Weights is Banned here in the center.
 Center Portion of any plot, home or Office should be kept Empty. Otherwise any weights here lead to Instability in life.
 Energy Flows through the center to all the points of the plot , therefore this energy should not be disturbed.
 It is suggested to leave the area (center of the house) open from the top or remain under the open sky so that sunlight can reach the place and enhance the power of that spot.

For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories
Vastu Expert in Mumbai - 9082854461


Slope of Land As Per Vastu Shastra :

Slope of Land As Per Vastu Shastra :

Slope of Land As Per Vastu Shastra :

As Per the Rules given in Vaastu Shastra the slope of the land of a plot / House or Office / Factory Plays a Very Important Role in Vastu Shastra . Good Slopes have beneficial Effects and Bad Slopes Have Terrible Effects on the People Staying or Working in Such Properties.


Slope in northeast (Eeshan) increases knowledge,

Slope in the east brings prosperity and comfort

Slope in the North West causes jealousy and fear from fire,

Slope in south causes death and Destruction .

Slope in South West causes Financial loss and Disputes.

Slope in West causes loss of children ,

Slope in South East causes undesired migration .

Depression in the centre is much inauspicious and ominous.

While selecting a plot / House or Factory Due precautions should be taken about the slope of the land.

For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories
Vastu Expert Consultant - 9082854461





To Enhance the Positive energy level of house - Ring the Tibetan bell for powerful energy in your house.

To improve the study of your children ? Put Crystal on North East corner of the Children's Room or On Their Study Table.

Never accept money between two fingers, as this is seen as cutting the Note and Hence Gives Unwanted Expenses.

Do not sleep on a double bed with two different mattress. This creates a symbolic separation Between Husband and Wife and Can Lead to Disputes or Unnecessary Arguments .

Never sit with your back facing main door. Unwanted People Coming to Your House or Office should be given such seat.

To remain healthy - Remove medicine from kitchen & Keep it in the North East of the living room.

Never keep Broken or un repaired Electronic Items Like Watch , Telephone, Radio , TV or similar in the House as It Creates Negative Energy in the House.

For Complete Vastu Advice for Homes Offices Factories
Vastu Expert in Mumbai- 9082854461

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