Listly by Erika Sutton
Sal introduces decimal numbers and understanding place value to the right of the decimal.
Become familiar with common fractions and decimals and converting between them.
Sal solves 9.087+15.31 using the "standard algorithm".
Sal uses place value and decomposing numbers to subtract decimals, such as 65.79-42.58.
Just like when add, be sure you align decimals before subtracting.
Dividing whole numbers to get a decimal quotient like 15÷6=2.5
Practice estimating with multiplying decimals and whole numbers with Khan Academy's free online exercises.
To multiply decimals, first multiply as if there is no decimal. Next, count the number of digits after the decimal in each factor. Finally, put the same number of digits behind the decimal in the product. For example, if we multiply 7.61✕9.2, we will have 3 digits behind the decimal in our product because there are 3 digits behind the decimals in the factors.