Listly by Amber Weller
Description: The video is a song that gives examples of fractions and tells what the numerator and denominator are.
Rationale: I chose this video because it is a fun way for students to remember the parts of a fraction, plus, the song is catchy and funny. Students generally remember concepts better when it is in the form of a song.
Description: This is a picture that displays one single part of different types of fractions.
Rationale: This is a great visual for students to compare and contrast different fractions and see how one fraction is bigger or smaller than another. It also simply allows students to see how to represent a fraction in a picture.
Description: This video explains what fractions are, when we use them, and what they look like.
Rationale: This video is a short simple video that teaches the concept of fractions well with some visuals throughout it. This would be a good introduction to fractions.
Description: This site has 17 different links that students can choose from to read and learn all about fractions from the basics of what a fraction is, to the more advanced concepts like dividing fractions.
Rationale: This allows students to take control of their learning and explore on their own a bit to learn the content. If a student is struggling, they can stick to the basics, but if a student understands very well, they can move on to something more advanced to be challenged.
Description: It is a blank drawing board that has tools that allows students to create their own fractions.
Rationale: This is a fun activity for students to explore and practice making pictures to represent given fractions or their own made up fractions.
Description: This is a matching games that has students match a fraction in numbers with a fraction represented in a picture.
Rationale: This is a fun way for students to learn how to represent fractions in model/picture form.
Description: Flipgrid is a tool where students can record videos and share them with the teacher and other students with the class code.
Rationale: I would use this for students to record themselves explaining what they have learned about fractions and to give their own examples.
Description: This video is a read aloud of a book "If you were a fraction" by Trisha Speed Shaskan
Rationale: This video incorporates literacy into math. It is a fun way for students to become more familiar with fractions especially with real world examples. This would really appeal to those students who love books.
Description: This photo just explains what a fraction is and the parts of a fraction with models and examples, all in one image.
Rationale: This is a simple way to learn the basics of a fraction in one image.
Description: This is just a virtual manipulative activity where students can drag and drop and explore with different fractions.
Rationale: It is a great tool for students to use to explore and understand how parts make up a whole.