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Updated by Sneha Bhatt on May 27, 2020
Sneha Bhatt Sneha Bhatt
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Female Problems

Every female has many problems in their life, but one of the most painful problems is unable to conceive pregnancy due to some infertility problems, therefore, I have made a list to make aware you from things which are causes for female infertility.




Something about pregnancy makes you’re in split-second stress increasingly, in any event, when accomplishing things that never concerned you. There are a couple of basic pregnancy stresses I get notification from pretty much every patient I experience, and most can be replied with "that is typical in pregnancy." But that isn't generally unwinding, is it? To know about 4 MOST COMMON Pregnancy Worries, visit the link.




Pre deciding appointments, blood tests, ultrasounds, and booking plan various meds, preparing for IVF treatment isn't less like envisioning low upkeep work. You need to make an amicability between being available to you and being gatekeepers to be. If you are looking forward to IVF treatment, you would have quite recently started setting yourself up for the rules and regulations and diet plan for IVF, etc." But before you start making an IVF course of action and set yourself up arranged for the treatment it is basic to have a not too bad handle on what this system is and why it is presumably by a huge segment of the unbeneficial couples over the globe. Start getting ready for IVF treatment later, lets first know why Planning For IVF Treatment is required. Browse the link to know.


Effective treatment for infertility: IUI Success on 1st try

IUI Success on 1st try: When is IUI recommended and effective?
First IUI Procedure- The IUI is most often used for the following causes of infertility:

  • Unexplained infertility,
  • Infertility due to a cervical factor,
  • Female infertility due to slight endometriosis;
  • Slight male factor infertility;
  • Female infertility with ovulation problems.

An A to Z guide on uterine fibroids

An A to Z guide on uterine fibroids

Not all fibroids give symptoms. Many are silent and asymptomatic. There is no link between the symptoms of uterine fibroids and the number of fibroids: a single fibroid can be annoying whereas several can give no sign. Fibroids can be discovered "by chance" during an examination carried out for another reason (vaginal examination, ultrasound, etc.).


How low is too low AMH level when we talk about different AMH levels?

How low is too low AMH level when we talk about different AMH levels?

Antimullerian hormone represents a potential way to test ovarian reserve. There are many low AMH level tests or other tests that we currently use to assess the reserve of remaining eggs. None of the tests are perfect, and fertility specialists often use a combination of tests to try to get a better estimate of the size of the remaining egg supply.


All about IUI: From treatment to its cost in India – Indira IVF

When the maturation of oocytes is detected by ultrasound, and the estrogen level is correct, the doctor will then be able to trigger the ovulation. For this, he will administer a hormonal drug, HCG (gonadotropic chorionic hormone), by subcutaneous injection. For insemination to be effective, it must then be carried out within 24 hours. To know the IUI treatment cost in India, visit the best IVF center.


What are the important steps in Embryo Transfer?

What are the important steps in Embryo Transfer?

Embryo transfer is a simple, non-surgical process. Unlike egg recovery, embryo transfer does not require sedation and the patient can be discharged from the hospital between 2 to 5 hours after embryo transfer.
Both frozen and fresh embryos can be used in this assisted reproduction procedure. The transfer is performed using image guidance from an ultrasound. The doctor uses a thin catheter to move the embryos into the uterus through the vagina. Once the transfer is complete, the patient is shifted directly in the recovery room for 30 to 60 minutes. The above-mentioned steps are the embryo transfer steps.


Options after failed IVF: How you can deal with a Failed IVF attempt? – Indira IVF

Options after failed IVF: How you can deal with a Failed IVF attempt? – Indira IVF

It is important to note that an IVF failure can provide information for the success of the next IVF treatment and also, options after failed IVF. Many problems encountered during a failed first IVF attempt can be resolved to eliminate or reduce the risk of the same problem occurring on a second IVF attempt.


The Anti-Mullerian hormone: What are different AMH levels?

The Anti-Mullerian hormone: What are different AMH levels?

The level of AMH in the blood tends to decrease with age in parallel with the number of follicles, unlike other pituitary hormones (FSH and Inhibin B). As such, the anti-Mullerian hormone is considered to be the best reflection of the ovarian reserve. In addition, AMH is a good indicator of the success rate of certain protocols for ART and of possible risks of ovarian hyperstimulation. Indeed, there is a correlation between the AMH level (high) and the number of oocytes punctured after ovarian stimulation. Finally, even if its evaluation is not recommended for diagnostic purposes (no threshold value established), the level of anti-Mullerian hormone can be, when it is high, an indicator of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This increase is explained in particular by the increased number of small follicles growing in patients with this syndrome.


All you need to know and be aware about Ovarian Cyst!

All you need to know and be aware about Ovarian Cyst!

The management of ovarian cysts or ovarian cyst treatment depends on their nature:

  • A functional cyst usually disappears spontaneously. An observation period can, therefore, be useful in order to see if it resolves on its own. In the opposite case, hormone treatment can be offered (with a highly dosed estrogen-progestogen pill).
  • In the case of organic cysts, painful and/or bulky functional cysts, surgery can be considered. The reference technique is laparoscopy.

All you need to know about Miscarriage, its causes, symptoms and treatment

All you need to know about Miscarriage, its causes, symptoms and treatment

Miscarriage Treatment includes-
If the expulsion of the fetus and placenta is not complete, the doctor may recommend waiting for a natural outcome. In this eventuality, there is no medical intervention, the pain and bleeding will disappear over time, a sign that the miscarriage is over. A control ultrasound makes it possible to verify that everything has returned to normal.