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Updated by Geri HippieGenes Soulliere on Nov 19, 2013
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Why choose organic, sustainable & local?

Here's a collection of recent articles and study reports that may help clear the fog. Big agribusiness is spending billions to confuse the issues. But despite all of that, its becoming clear that it is up to each individual to educate themselves about good clean food and sustainable practices to preserve our environment. Don't we owe it to our children and future generations to clean up our act now? Created by HippieGenes. Follow us @HippieGs

Is Organic Really Better?

Department of Agriculture testing routinely finds pesticide residues considered unsafe for children on conventionally grown—not organic—produce samples, including apples, peaches, plums, pears, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, and raisins. "Parents don't want their children to serve as human guinea pigs for chemical corporations."

Organic certification and labelling in Canada

Detailed explanation of Canada's Organic Certification requirements.

Is Organic Better? Ask a Fruit Fly

When Ria Chhabra, a middle school student near Dallas, heard her parents arguing about the value of organic foods, she was inspired to create a science fair project to try to resolve the debate.