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Updated by Craig Daniels on Dec 01, 2021
Headline for November Marketing Days - Opportunity Is Waiting!
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November Marketing Days - Opportunity Is Waiting!

Small Business often finds itself wondering what is the path to marketing success.

For most small businesses, competition doesn't only come from those in their same niche. Today most competition comes from businesses outside your niche. Consumers have a limited cash flow and when they spend it on something they won't be spending at your business.

But it's not about competition, it's about opportunity. Every second in every moment presents opportunity to do something new. And each of these opportunities allows you to create a marketing event that will stop your customers in their tracks. Check out the varied list below for a bunch of marketing ideas and themes.


National Sandwich Day - November 3rd

Celebrate National Sandwich Day with an open house at your business. Offer a free sandwich bar to customers. Invite people to try new and delicious sandwiches that they've never tried before.

This is a great attraction for an open house at your brick and mortar location(s). People will stream in to try the sandwich bar and this will give you an opportunity to get to know your customers and potential customers.

Your business may only have one small store or it may have ascended to be a regional or national chain, but the size of your operation doesn't matter when creating an open house. It's the size of your willingness to explore new ways that'll connect with your customers, that matters.

National Pizza With The Works Day - November 12

I'm sure that pizza lovers don't need an excuse but National Pizza With The Works Day bolsters our arguments that pizza is an everyday food.

National Pizza With The Works Day presents a golden opportunity to nearly every business owner. Imagine for a moment creating a week long celebration of this savory day. It’s a day that appeals to every age group, every income level and in a recent study 63% of pizza eaten is eaten by women, though in another study men will eat more pizza if a woman is watching – go figure that one.Pizza is equally loved across most if not all demographics.

Rent a brightly colored portable pizza oven for your marketing extravaganza and throw open your doors to the crowds of hungry customers.

National World Kindness Day is Always on November 13th

National World Kindness Day is always November 13th but don't let a day on the calendar trip you up - It's a good thing to Be Kind Everyday.

Not only is it a great concept it’s also a good example of creative marketing opportunity and in that vein it’s a reminder that being creative with your business marketing can create its own great concept. It’s not important what business you’re in, you can find a way to get noticed.

If you think World Kindness Day is a day you'd like to connect your business marketing to click on the above image to read the rest of the blog post for ideas.

National Spicy Guacamole Day is Novemeber 14th

People love guacamole and National Spicy Guacamole Day is a great reason to eat an extra helping of the delicious guacamole treat... Right?

So you have a product you want to remind your customers or entice new customers with, and you want to try something different, create something radical that fills the space with a steady buzz. What you ask yourself or maybe you ask your marketing team can we do?

Creative marketing doesn’t always require a small business putting huge resources on the line. Small businesses have many advantages in marketing that large corporations can only dream about. Remember the National Spicy Guacamole Day started as a throw-away idea till someone wrote it down and started the train moving to the station.

National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day Nov 15 - As The Marketing World Turns

National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day appears to have been created in 1999 by Whirlpool in the U.S. by some of their employees, It’s truly a great example of creative marketing at its best. It meets the bench marks for originality, humor and memorability and gets bonus points for being able to play off of the upcoming U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving .I’ve seen some reports Whirlpool even had a hotline people could call to receive cleaning tips.

A small business can take advantage of this opportunity to create a novel campaign upon how we all procrastinate in our lives. Using good-natured humor you can focus on how frustrating the little chores of life can be when avoid doing them. People love making fun of themselves for the little omissions in our life.

National Take A Hike Day – November 17 - As The Marketing World Turns

Get your small business involved in National Take A Hike Day, it'll will benefit the whole community and create an annual event sponsored to your business

It doesn't matter if you sell coal or hiking gear, you can encourage your customers to hike on a regular basis for fun and for their health. If you do sell coal then team up with a sports business to promote fitness and health. With Thanksgiving just around the corner promoting family activities along with health is spot on.

Maybe your business could sponsor a week long series of historical hikes around your community that are led by some well informed guides. The guides could wear sandwich boards that highlight interesting things on the tour along with your logo and sponsor announcements.

National Vichyssoise Day November 18th - As The Marketing World Turns

French Chef Louis Diat created Vichyssoise in 1917 @ Ritz-Carlton in NYC. National Vichyssoise Day is another opportunity to cross promote your business

A little ribbing and humor makes for a great ad campaign and playing off something like National Vichyssoise Day is a natural. Another angle might be to use something like: You Don’t Have To Be In New York City To Celebrate National Vichyssoise Day or November 18th Is National Vichyssoise Day, A Day Everyone Loves The French.

Absurdity Day Makes No Sense At All - As The Marketing World Turns

“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” Albert Einstein Absurdity Day is a wonderful opportunity to shake up your business marketing map resulting in a good cleaning out of the cobwebs of resistance that you cling to with white knuckle intensity.

Drag your marketing team into a room with no distractions of any kind and let them know you want a pile of original and dynamic ideas before the end of the day. It may be a good idea to hand each of them a sheet of paper with the Einstein quote in bold type printed on it.

National Day Of Listening - The Day After Thanksgiving

Our thoughts stream relentlessly - Today is National Day Of Listening a day to quiet your own thoughts and listen to what others are saying.

Butchers, bakers and candlestick makers cross your path every day. Lawyers, doctors and teachers interact with you and your family every day. Artists, poets and creators of all stripes stoke your imagination each and every day, are you listening? The number of people most of us come in contact with each day is amazing, with many of those contacts being repeat contacts stretching across weeks, months and years. Have you listened to some of them? Any of them?