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Updated by Lindsey Christiansen on Mar 13, 2013
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Unhealthy Habits

People are habitual. They have many habits which they know of, and others they don’t. The key is discerning which ones are good and bad, and for what reasons. Ameritech College explores some of these unhealthy habits that need to be eliminated, suggesting changes in behavior to avoid the consequences. Correcting these habits promotes a healthy lifestyle that improves attitude and overall quality of living. The question is, are people willing to give up things that they love so dearly?




Everyone loves a good snack. Snacks are a comfort food, a stomach-topper, or a simply thing to do when bored. Excessive snacking becomes a subconscious habit, especially while working or watching TV. Not only does it add on calories, it also erodes at the body’s natural hunger pangs, diminishing the ability to truly detect hunger. In order to correct this, it is best to wait until meal time to eat, allowing real hunger to pervade the stomach. When a snack is needed, healthy snacks instead of junk food help better satisfy hunger, along with leaving no indigestion afterwards.




Everyone loves a good snack. Snacks are a comfort food, a stomach-topper, or a simply thing to do when bored. Excessive snacking becomes a subconscious habit, especially while working or watching TV. Not only does it add on calories, it also erodes at the body’s natural hunger pangs, diminishing the ability to truly detect hunger. In order to correct this, it is best to wait until meal time to eat, allowing real hunger to pervade the stomach. When a snack is needed, healthy snacks instead of junk food help better satisfy hunger, along with leaving no indigestion afterwards.




The most destructive of common habits is smoking. It may be a blatantly harmful thing to do in the eyes of the public, but people who carry that burden have much difficulty in losing it. In short, smoking causes lung, liver, throat, and any other kind of damage imaginable to the body. This is the hardest habit to shake because nicotine is very addictive, and many people have tried to quit smoking to no avail. In many cases, the help of a doctor is needed to be completely set free from nicotine’s grasp. If one is able to successfully quit, their body immediately begins to repair the damage done, and after a few years they will recover enough to resemble their pre-smoking bodies. Ameritech College teaches medical assistants to help smokers in the recovery process.




And of course, watching television. This may not have a direct impact on the body, but watching too much TV can have some negative side-effects. It mainly decreases physical activity and contributes to obesity, sometimes resulting in type-2 diabetes. Some claim that there is a direct correlation between large amount of TV watching and the consumption of fatty foods. This is a claim that Ameritech College can affirm. Limiting daily television viewing leads to healthier eating and more exercise.

Unhealthy habits are sometimes hard to shrug, but doing so will lead to a healthy way of life.  People will have more energy, determination, and competency as they deal with the challenges they face every day.  As Ameritech College can attest, it is a small sacrifice for a great reward.
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AmeriTech College specializes in health care education in the medical, dental, fitness, and nursing fields.