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Updated by ClassroomAid on Jan 13, 2020
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AI Learning Resources for K16/Beginners

AI learning resources/courses for K16 youth or beginners

Machine Learning for Kids

An educational tool for teaching kids about machine learning, by letting them train a computer to recognise text, pictures, numbers, or sounds, and then make things with it in tools like Scratch.

This interim site is being used to organize the AI for K-12 initiative jointly sponsored by AAAI and CSTA. This page will help us get started on the dialog that will eventually result in (1) national guidelines for AI education for K-12, and (2) an online, curated resource directory to facilitate AI instruction.

AI Experiments | Experiments with Google

Learning AI with Google - Celebrating Creativity and AI

Open Learning - AI4ALL

AI4ALL Open Learning gives you the tools to solve problems you care about using AI.

A free online introduction to artificial intelligence for non-experts

Learn more about Reaktor's and the University of Helsinki's AI course - no programming or complicated math required.

CS 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Fall 2018

This course will introduce the basic ideas and techniques underlying the design of intelligent computer systems. A specific emphasis will be on the statistical and decision-theoretic modeling paradigm. A specific emphasis will be on the statistical and decision-theoretic modeling paradigm.

MIT AI Ethics Education Curriculum - Google Docs

This document includes a set of activities, teacher guides, assessments, materials, and more to assist educators in teaching about the ethics of artificial intelligence. These activities were developed at the MIT Media Lab to meet a growing need for children to understand artificial intelligence, its impact on society, and how they might shape the future of AI.

This curriculum was designed and tested for middle school students (approximately grades 5th-8th). Most activities are unplugged and only require the materials included in this document.