Listly by spiritcosmic9
Visual art and poetic creations by alexis Karpouzos. Alexis Karpouzos is a Greek-born spiritual teacher, poet and author.
The world, where man was the center of the universe, the ego, the center of consciousness, the world in which the earth was separated from heaven and the hor...
We are a conversation To be one with all—this is man’s heaven… A theatrical performance as a dreamlike journey into the world of poetry. The thematic axis fo...
You came in to this world with enough light to find your way out of the dark, enough kindness to save a soul, enough love to shift a planet. Don't worry, you...
When you look deeply into yourself you may be able to see that there is, in this moment, a quality of aliveness that is animating you that is not philosophic...
Μαθήματα φιλοσοφίας, κοινωνικών και ανθρωπιστικών επιστημών, πολιτιστικές, καλλιτεχνικές και κοινωνικές δράσεις στην κοινότητα που δημιούργησε και συντονίζει...
Αλέξης καρπούζος, κοινότητα αυτογνωσίας και διαλογισμού. Περισσότερα από 10000 άτομα σε 15 χώρες έχουν συμμετάσχει στα μαθήματα και τις δράσεις της κοινότητα...
Every breath is a chance to reborn, BUT to be reborn you have to die before dying. Text: Alexis Karpouzos Filmmaker: Pari Antoniou Communication advisor: Ioa...
Alexis Karpouzos is a Greek-borned philosopher, spiritual teacher and author, founder of the international community of learning, research and culture in Gre...