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Updated by scrollkidd on May 23, 2020
Headline for 2D Action Video Games Featuring Females as Main Character
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2D Action Video Games Featuring Females as Main Character

Here is a list of 1980's to 1990's action video games featuring an heroin as the main character.

Games accepted in this list if :

  • The hero is a FEMALE
  • The game is an ACTION GAME
  • 2D VISUAL technique

Are disqualified for this list:

  • Game featuring a choice with a MALE
  • Games with 3D visual technique

Video games running on current generations systems are accepted if they respect the fact they feature 2D visuals.

If you want add a game, please use the following system :

Date - Name (Editor, System)

Please, keep in mind that the list is chronological, the release date must be in first position in the title ;-)

Please add tags : year, system (MSX, Famicom, NES, Super NES, MegaDrive, ...) , genre (shmup, platerformer, ...), publisher (Namco, Sega, ...)

If a game have been adapted on several systems, use the first historical system as reference, you can add in the description the others adaptations.

Some sources:


1981 - Ms. Pac-Man (Namco, Arcade)

1981 - Ms. Pac-Man (Namco, Arcade)

The very first game ever, featuring a female character as main hero.

Wikipedia quote:
The author of Pac-Man, Toru Iwatani, attempted to appeal to a wider audience—beyond the typical demographics of young boys and teenagers. His intention was to attract girls to arcades because he found there were very few games that were played by women at the time. Electronic Games reported in 1982 that it was "the first commercial videogame to involve large numbers of women as players"; of the nine arcade games that How to Win Video Games (1982) discussed, Pac-Man was the only one with women as a majority of players. In response, the sequel Ms. Pac-Man, launched in 1981, featured a female protagonist.

Additional links:

Pac-man was madefor women

10 things you might know about Pac-Man

1985 - Ninja Princess (SEGA, Arcade)

Ninja Princess
original title: 忍者プリンセス)
1985, SEGA

Also released on :

  • SEGA SG-1000/Mark III (Japan)
  • CASIO Loopy (Japan)
  • MSX
1986 - Athena (SNK, Arcade)

Also released on:

  • Nintendo Famicom
  • Nintendo NES (USA)
1986 - Gall Force: Eternal Story (HAL Lab., Family Computer Disk System)

Original title: ガルフォース ETERNAL STORY

Also available on :

  • MSX
1986 - KiKi KaiKai (Taito, Arcade)

Also available on:

  • Nintendo Family Computer System
  • MSX
  • Nec Pc-Engine
  • Nintendo Super Famicom/Super Nintendo
1986 - Metroid (Nintendo, Family Computer Disk/NES)

Original title: *メトロイド *

Also available on:

  • Nintendo NES
1986 - Soldier Girl Amazon (Nichibutsu)

Soldier Girl Amazon / 聖戦士アマテラス Sei Senshi Amatelass
1986, Nichibutsu


1993 - Pocky & Rocky (Natsume, Super Nintendo)

1993 - Pocky & Rocky (Natsume, Super Nintendo)

Original Title: 奇々怪界~謎の黒マント (KiKi KaiKai: Nazo no Kuro Manto)

[MSX] Valis 夢幻戦士ヴァリス MIDI-PAC2 MU2000

Music upgrade for one of the worst games ever made. :)