Listly by Lindsey Christiansen
Every gun owner in America has heard the uproar over the government threatening to tighten regulations concerning our right to bear arms. If you collect guns, you need to own a gun safe. If you live in Utah and don’t have a gun safe, you face a potential liability if your guns get stolen or into the wrong hands. It might not be an easy decision, but there are countless safe manufacturers and dozens of design options to help Utah residents make an informed decision. Here are a few facts to be aware of.
There is no point in owning an expensive gun safe if your weapons are just going to rust up inside of it. If your safe doesn’t have any seals around the door, you can block most moist, humid air from the outside by attaching your own. Also, coat your guns with a rust preventative. You want to choose a good brand that provides outstanding, long-term protection without leaving your guns greasy. Controlling the temperature and humidity of the interior of your safe is very important. If the air is moist because of the temperatures that rise and fall so often here in Utah, rust has more of a chance to form. There are electric warming units that you can put inside your safe to regulate the temperature. Or, running a simple light bulb can act as a similar function. If you’re using a bulb, make sure to keep it a safe distance away from papers or anything that might get too hot to prevent risk of charring your documents. A desiccant product is known for absorbing moisture. This is an inexpensive way to protect your guns from rust within your safe.
There is no point in owning an expensive gun safe if your weapons are just going to rust up inside of it. If your safe doesn’t have any seals around the door, you can block most moist, humid air from the outside by attaching your own. Also, coat your guns with a rust preventative. You want to choose a good brand that provides outstanding, long-term protection without leaving your guns greasy. Controlling the temperature and humidity of the interior of your safe is very important. If the air is moist because of the temperatures that rise and fall so often here in Utah, rust has more of a chance to form. There are electric warming units that you can put inside your safe to regulate the temperature. Or, running a simple light bulb can act as a similar function. If you’re using a bulb, make sure to keep it a safe distance away from papers or anything that might get too hot to prevent risk of charring your documents. A desiccant product is known for absorbing moisture. This is an inexpensive way to protect your guns from rust within your safe.
A more controversial topic is the fire protection. Around $4.4 billion is lost in property damage due to residential fires each year. In order to get the most out of your purchase, you need to look at a gun safe with a high UL rating. You don’t want to invest money and risk losing your belongings. When comparing different safes from different manufacturers, you want to check the weight. This will let you know how much steel is incorporated into the design. The higher the UL rating, the more steel used in the production, the more protection the gun safe will offer your weapons and belongings.
Depending on how many firearms you own and whatever other artifacts you plan on storing will determine the size of the gun safe you buy. If you are planning on installing your safe within your home, you also need to check your flooring. If the safe is 2000 lbs, you want to take into consideration possible damage to your carpets or wood flooring. However, if you’re only purchasing a 500 lb safe, you don’t need to worry as much about placement. Be sure to check out the interior layout of the safe. You want to know where the racks are located and how comfortable you will be able to assemble your weapons within it, without them banging each other. Sometimes it is more convenient and appropriate to buy a smaller safe because it is easier to manhandle and probably costs less. Other times, especially if you own massive guns and have children around often, you want to invest in something a little bit more stable.
Fort Knox is proud of the fact that we are America’s Best in Gun Safe and Gun Vault manufacturing.