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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for 6 Things Tourist Should Never Do in Sri Lanka- Respecting the tradition and culture
Joanna James Joanna James
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6 Things Tourist Should Never Do in Sri Lanka- Respecting the tradition and culture

Like most countries of the Southeast Asian region, Sri Lanka too is a conservative country that strives upon its rich culture and traditions. Hence due respect is key! So, to make your visit to Sri Lanka a notable, safe, and uncomplicated one, we suggest you pay close attention to these facts!


respect their religious faiths

Regardless of which faith the average Sri Lankan individual belongs to, their respect for it is unending and therefore it is best we practice due diligence when around. It is extremely ill-advised to be making physical contact with an orange-robed Buddhist monk, particularly on their heads, and as for women, their presence around a monk by themselves is not appreciated let alone physical contact. Taking your shoes off upon entering a temple is advised and so is avoiding revealing clothes and vibrant colours.


Do not turn your back on a Buddha Statue

It is best practice to be taking your pictures facing a Buddha statue rather than facing away from it. Make sure to avoid wearing any garments that could bear insignia representing Lord Buddha or even other deities for that matter.


Comparisons are not Okay

One thing that these otherwise hospitable crowd of Sri Lankans find offensive is being compared to other surrounding countries like India. They take immense pride in their beautiful culture and dislike being pitted against other countries as such as it dims their unique personality.


PDAs are frowned upon

Like we mentioned earlier, Sri Lankans are quite the conservative crowd and are set in their ways in terms of public displays of affection. More specifically the elders find it absolutely socially unacceptable and as a lack of respect for them when youngsters chose to behave as such. Uncanny as it is to be writing this, if you absolutely must steal a quick kiss, why not do it the Sri Lankan way; under the shade and quick cover of a discrete little umbrella!


Ask first before you start snapping away

Like most other tourist destinations, engaging in photographic documentation requires special permits oftentimes in Sri Lanka too, given security as well as disclosure reasons. Some of the key destinations such as Museums and even the Temple of Tooth Relic in Kandy demand that you pay for a permit to be taking pictures. Although it might not be the most agreeable thing to many travellers, what they need to bear in mind is that it is simply a means of conserving their most beloved treasures.


Hotels vs Restaurants

Finding a hotel in Colombo is not the hardest thing to do with many brands like Mount Lavinia Hotel Colombo being at the forefront of luxury and comfort. However, what many tourists find baffling on their ventures is that most often than not, small eateries go by the title of ‘hotel’ as well-meaning the chances of you turning with expectations of lodging at places that have no such facilities whatsoever available is not an impossible thing to happen.

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