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Blogs - Surekha Technologies

Surekha Technologies is an offshore development consulting company from Ahmedabad, India providing Liferay Development, Odoo Development and Mobile Application Development Consulting Services India.

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Generate PDF using TCPDF in PHP

TCPDF is an open-source PHP library that is used to generate PDF documents. After downloading TCPDF library, you can invoke all the basic functions of this class to generate your PDF. TCPDF Supports UTF-8, Unicode, RTL languages, XHTML, Javascript, digital signatures, barcodes and much more.

In this blog, I am going to explain you step by step how you can use the TCPDF PHP library to create a PDF document.

Reusable component with EmberJS

Ember Component is an encapsulated and reusable thing, which is wired up handlebar and javascript. Encapsulated and reusable, means it is by default protected from the outside world(CSS and Javascript can’t leak in or out.), After constructing a component you can use it on more than one place in your project.

Let’s start on how we can define a component in ember project.

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ElasticSearch is now default search engine from Liferay 7/DXP. ElasticSearch is an advanced search engine compared to Lucene which Liferay used in prior versions. Liferay internally uses elasticsearch for searching purpose. for example, full-text search, analytics storage, autocomplete, spell checker, geo-distance etc. Now, we can use all these features in custom entities as well by implementing indexers for the custom entity. Here I’ll show you how you can use elasticsearch for custom entity Liferay 7.2/DXP.

Bug Life Cycle and Software Testing

Bug Life Cycle or Defect Life Cycle is the specific set of states that a Bug goes through before it can be closed on popular bug tools like jira, redmine, bugzilla, confluence etc.

Setup Ember Project With Ember Pod Structure

Develop your ember project by feature, instead of type with a clean and well-structured code. Every developer wants to develop an application with a clean and well-structured code. let’s have a look at, How you can manage your ember app with good structure. Basically, front end languages such as react, Angular, Ember by default provides project structure based on the type of files.

Here a complete guide. visit now -

Working with domain and polish notations in Odoo

Polish notation is also called as “Prefix notation”. It is a way of expressing arithmetic expressions which do not use brackets to define priorities for evaluation of operators. In this notation, an operator is prefixed to operands, i.e. operator is written ahead of operands.

Gogo shell in Liferay 7 and 7.1

Gogo shell is command line interface. Using it we can interact or manage lifecycle of OSGi bundles like install bundle, start bundle, stop bundle and uninstall bundle. Gogo is based on the OSGi RFC-147. It describes a standard shell for OSGi based environments.

Charts in Liferay

One of the many great developer-centric features introduced in Liferay 7.1. You can now directly use Charts in your portal with inbuilt functionalities by using react or soy portlet. Let’s see in detail how you can use charts in Liferay. Click Now!!

Override Liferay OSGI Module

In some cases, we need some changes in Liferay’s existing module for which we can extend the Liferay module and do changes as per our requirement.

In this article, we have described step by step guide to override a Liferay OSGI module. We hope you have some basic knowledge about Liferay IDE and Liferay Portal.

React Native Mobile Application development

React is a very popular JavaScript library from Facebook for building declarative, efficient and flexible user interfaces. You can find more information about react here.

This blog aims to provide an overview of how to start with the development of React Native application with JavaScript and its pros and cons over native development.

Liferay DXP Forms - REST Data Provider

Looking to populate selection field in DXP form via REST API? Here is a step-by-step guide to achieve the same.

React Portlet with Liferay 7/DXP

React is one of the most popular front-end JavaScript-based libraries developed by Facebook. In Liferay, React is very much useful while creating an application in JS chunks. These JS chunks are loaded on demand so it will keep the execution of application very faster and smoother.

Big Data With Hadoop

Hadoop is an open-source framework from Apache and is used to store and process the data. which is a very huge amount of data. we can say Big Data is “the amount of data (structured and unstructured) just beyond technology's capability to store, manage, and processes efficiently. Click Now!!

Constraints and Confirmation dialog box in odoo

Are you looking for adding database and python level constraints in odoo? Here we are going to explain how to use constraints and display a confirmation dialog box in Odoo. Click now!!

Liferay DXP Forms - REST Data Provider

A form is one of the basic needs for almost every organization. We might need to create simple or complex forms based on requirement. Sometimes it becomes time-consuming to create complex/multi-part forms. With the new iteration of Liferay DXP, we can create different types of forms using DXP Forms feature.

Configure Arquillian with Liferay DXP/7

Configure Arquillian with Liferay DXP/7

Testing is necessary to create bug free and stable product. Nowadays, We have many testing tools available in the market such as Selenium, JUnit, Apache JMeter, Mockito and Arquillian.

In this blog, I will explain how to configure Arquillian test tool with Liferay DXP. Arquillian has many features such as.

Configure Elasticsearch on an external server with Liferay 7/DXP

As a default Liferay portal runs Elasticsearch as an EMBEDDED search engine, but it is only supported in production locally or remotely, as a separate server or cluster setup this blog will help you.

Angular 4 Portlet in Liferay DXP/7

Single Page Application (SPA) is an application that fits on a single web page with dynamic actions without refreshing the page. To build SPA we can use Angular - an open-source SPA framework. To create Single Page Application using Angular(formerly known as AngularJS) in Liferay portlet, it is necessary to integrate angular with the portlet. AngularJS App Development Services Company.

Annotations Using SVG On PDF

Imagine you want to annotate something in a PDF like drawing a rectangle to highlight something important, arrow to point somewhere or writing text to remember the meaning. Somewhat making your pdf as drawing or painting tool.

Portlet Development with Primefaces in Liferay 7/DXP

Primefaces is a cross-platform, open source and Java based library for the UI Development. It provides rich UI components with built-in support for ajax. I am showing you a few examples of ready to use primefaces components in liferay.

Automated Actions in Odoo

Automated actions can be used to automatically trigger actions based on some conditions. We can use them to automatically perform some operations on records that meet certain criteria or based on time condition. Here, in this blog we will cover two types of actions:

Liferay 7/DXP Theme Development using Theme Generator

Liferay theme generator is the new way to create a theme, layout in Liferay 7 with the CLI support rather than using the traditional way of creating a theme using SDK in Liferay 6.2. Theme Generator is also used to upgrade the theme plugin. Liferay has leveraged a number of new features and new front end libraries to advance theme development with the theme generator integration.

Fiscal Position in odoo 9

Odoo’s one of the accounting feature - ‘Fiscal Position’ is more beneficial while we are working with multi companies / multi countries / multi states environment and we have multi taxes system. This feature helps in mapping taxes and accounts with their relative taxes and accounts as per countries or groups of countries.

Liferay Local Live vs Remote Live Staging

Liferay Local Live - With Local Live staging, both your staging environment and your live environment are hosted on the same server.

Remote Live Staging - With Remote Live staging, your staging environment and your live environment are hosted on the different servers.

Reusable Component With EmberJS

Want to improve your coding with reusability in Ember? Let's take a look at the very important part of Ember js is a component, which allows you to implement reusability on your code and make your code easier.